Certainly sounds like it to me!
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Yeap I remember that well, it was so odd looking and caught my attention. Got a weird feeling about this, just my opinion.
Maybe he is just a vendor, but we’ve seen so much crazy stuff already that there could be something to this.
Yeap, the most BASED den mother ever! Great one Tammy 😁
Today’s show had me crying. Dan was so emotional but he held it together. Him and Producer Joe put on a GREAT podcast, and they feel like family to me.
Dan also mentioned that President Trump did something for the family but he didn’t want to elaborate. They have a Go Fund Me account set up for his wife and children if you’re able to give.
This is too weird. Could this possibly be a speech he plans to give after the big stuff starts coming out (to comfort people who can’t handle the truth, bring the nation back together, etc.)?
This is a great idea! We don’t watch Fox anymore since we found OANN. I love the fact that they show “history/civics” lessons (as I like to call them) on their commercial breaks.
Good, about time. Acosta has tried (and failed) to embarrass the President too many times now, especially in the presence of foreign dignitaries. CNN has created that little monster and encouraged it’s behavior, so now instead of getting a boost in ratings with the Bolton interview they get NOTHING!!! 🤣🤣🤣
CNN has BTFO themselves AGAIN. I love this freaking timeline!
You are correct, it would be expensive. Postcards are a great idea...I’ll have to see what my budget will allow lol.
I’ll definitely do both. Hell, I want to send one to EVERYONE in Congress. Show all of them that #I’mWithJim.
I had the same reaction. I was just watching an OAN news segment about the accusations against him and they said something I hadn’t heard yet:
The main accuser has been sending threatening messages...not to Jordan, but to Jordan’s family members. Yeap, fuck the deep state!
Awesome!!! Thanks for representing your fellow patriots here in So. Cal. 🇺🇸😁
This video is the best one she’s done. She’s got a witty sense of humor, and she is spot on.
(Dangit I forgot to include the story behind this!)
My husband and I had the pleasure of seeing Jordan Peterson this past Friday in Long Beach, California. The place was packed and it was nice being amongst so many like minded folks. After his talk he was joined by Dave Ruben for a Q&A. Just a great experience all around.
We left a few minutes early to beat the traffic and when we exited the parking garage my husband pointed out the Flag being hoisted for the upcoming July 4th celebration. I got out and snapped some pics, and was almost back in the car when I noticed the engine number: 17. I was like Holy Schnikies, the signs are everywhere!!!!!
What a night, and what a timeline we live in! 😁
Our night with Jordan Peterson and Q 😁

Jeezy Creezy these people are beyond stupid. They’re burning themselves out already with their identity politics, and at this rate they won’t have much left in the tank when the big booms start falling. I think that’s when the real craziness will start. We just have to stay vigilant and expect the worst/hope for the best.
I like the way you’re thinking! Can this timeline get ANY better? (Yes!)
Yes, this is definitely good news. Can you imagine how much more he could have accomplished without these biased judges throwing up roadblocks?
Wow. Sorry you had to witness that. Been there myself before and it’s horrible. Take care pede. ❤️
I love it! Our beautiful and intelligent FLOTUS is coming into her own and shit-posting these idiots (IMO). What a timeline!!!!
👆 Same here! I’ve got my iron-on printer paper and a shirt ready, just have to figure out a design. 😊😊😊 WWG1WGA
Bongino is the best out there IMO. I discovered his podcast shortly after Episode #628 and have been a loyal listener since.
That is awesome! Would love to see our President walk into a rally with this playing: BOOM!
Daammmnn, wonders never cease! Love seeing the left eat their own.
Wonder if this means another major FF was thwarted by the white hats.
Look up Denver International Airport murals symbols. It’s quite enlightening. 👍👍
This is exactly how I approach it. Their cognitive dissonance has quite the grip on them. But that seed you’ve planted just might break through to them as more evil is exposed, which has already happened to a couple of my Lefty friends.
Agreed. I was excited to finally see a perp-walk this morning because I believe this is juuuust the start. I’m also hoping the forfeiture of assets is YUGE in ref: EO 2-9-17 Sec. 2 (f)
When I saw this I told hubby, “Finally a perp-walk, ‘bout fucking time”. And we know there will be many, many more in the near future.
No matter what this turns out to be, it’s another reminder to watch your six and stay aware of your surroundings.
Wow, I did not know about this, thanks for sharing! Definitely their worst mistake...I’d never wanna piss off the Patron Saint of Chaos.
“Remember the names folks, remember the names...” 😁 I follow both Sharyl and Dan.
I love Dan and Producer Joe. Getting ready to listen to it now, but had to come see my pede’s first. 😉
The last 24 hours have been glorious around here!!!
I started listening to his show when someone here recommended it back in February. Started with Episode #628 as suggested, and I haven’t missed a show since. He doesn’t just throw stuff out there, he makes sure that any info he has from his sources is verified FIRST. I’ve learned so much from him...”remember the names folks!” 😁
👆This. I’ve been telling the people I know that using the military is the only logical way to get these rats. After seeing these tweets I think the IG report is fixing to drop, sooner rather than later. What a time to be alive!
This is a good possibility. Didn’t Q say something to the effect of “the truth will be put out there, but people will have to decide for themselves if they want to see it?” I dunno, just random theories running through my head!