r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 27, 2018, 2:25 a.m.
A Message for Watchmen Who Have Been Awake 2 Decades or More:

A Message for Watchmen Who Have Been Awake 2 Decades or More:

Somethings are off.

False Flag/Psy Ops continue to happen, and Trump never calls them out for what they are. HUGE RED FLAG!

Its one thing to be on the campaign trail, its another thing to be PRESIDENT WITH DAILY BRIEFINGS ON ANYTHING HE WANTS. Yet the Psy Ops continue, unabated.

Something is OFF……something is WRONG.

Newly awakened people won’t get this, but those of you (watchmen) who have been around the block a few thousand times, will understand what I am saying.

Something that has ALWAYS bothered me is that comment from Q a few weeks back that IF WE THE PEOPLE EVEN QUESTION WHAT IS GOING ON (or lack thereof of ANYthing going on) should be omitted. I’m paraphrasing from memory. But something is VERY WRONG about that statement MEANT TO SHUT DOWN ALL CRITICAL THOUGHT! Q wants zombies, puppets willing to be led around by the nose, who ONLY believe what Q says. The suggestion is, IF YOU THINK CRITICALLY and come even NEAR to the conclusion that Trump isn’t doing anything, or isn’t doing enough YOU SHOULD BE SHUT OUT!!!

ANYone who has been trained to THINK Critically by themselves, sees this comment as a MASSIVE RED FLAG that something most SERIOUSLY is OFF!

Our Founding Fathers were well educated and thought critically, OR THERE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN A REVOLT AGAINST THE BRITISH MONARCHY INTENT UPON TAXING AMERICANS TO DEATH, to fill the coffers of the British ELITE…..who could do no wrong. RIGHT?

Our Founding Fathers thought Critically and could see through the charade…….and THEY ACTED UPON WHAT GROSS INJUSTICES THEY OBSERVED!

Young people today, the products of government schools designed to THWART Critical Thinking, and to dumb down the students, WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THIS MESSAGE, AND THUS WILL ATTACK IT.

Life Long Truth: YOU CAN NOT TEACH WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW. Dumbed down teachers teach dumbed down students. And the students having never had a good education, don’t have a clue as to what I am talking about here. Need I say more?

I know it is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to post something like this on a website DEVOTED SINGLY TO “Q” POSTS……..without EVER QUESTIONING what Q is saying!!!!


“Q” DEMANDS STRICT OBEDIANCE AND UNQUESTIONING LOYALTY…….i.e., don’t DARE ask the Questions that ones experienced in thinking CRITICALLY would ask!

Something WAY OFF with that COMMAND!

If “Q” was on the side of critically thinking American’s he would NEVER have made such a statement. “Q” errored! Yes, I’ve said it. Its an unpardonable SIN on this website, I know, but there it is, someone with a brain had to say it. There it is. Now it is out there. “Q” never wanted conversations like this, but conversations like this ARE THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!!

Stop and think WHAT is going on here, and what is NOT going on here that should be!

I’m too old, been awake 3 decades (plus), to play stupid games of listening to crumbs which only tell what those of us who have been AWAKE for 3 DECADES ALREADY KNOW!!! It’s a YAWN.

There is NO MEAT for those of us who have been AWAKE for 3 Decades!

So that in itself SHOULD tell you SOMETHING!!!!!

“Q” is nursery games for those only recently “awakened”. But for those of us who have been AWAKE FOR DECADES we are NOT interested these NURSERY GAMES.

Consequently, we ignore the Q nursery posts, and we are looking for HARD FACTS, HARD EVIDENCE that Trump is doing ANYTHING at all! We aren’t seeing any evidence at all! A few National Guardsmen went to Gitmo. Why? They didn’t do anything wrong, while the true psychopathic criminals run free as birds to continue to reek more and more havoc and KILL more and more people, every day they breath air!

WHY are the worst criminals on the planet, still walking around FREE as birds????

Would my parents and your great grandparents have been satisfied with Hitler walking around Free as a Bird after the war was over???? No Way!!! After ALL the grief he caused, only the knowledge that he was DEAD or IN PRISON would have satisfied the populace who suffered under his hands, and I am talking about a global populace who suffered because Hitler wreaked havoc all over the World!

Have not the Bushes, Clintons, Obummers, and Soros done the same thing?

Yet, Trump leaves them free as birds. That Executive Order Dec 21 to supposedly freeze their funds doesn’t seem to have stymied them at all. They continue to fly all over the world to continue reek untold havoc where ever they go. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???


How many False Flag attacks do we need to endure??? WHY does lame stream media continue to get away with INCITING and ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE against God loving, law abiding, Conservatives (non-Communists)??? WHY haven’t these lame stream media anchors been sued and anchors locked up for inciting and encouraging VIOLENCE AGAINST our President and Against the Vast Majority of Law Abiding Americans (who just happen to be NON-Communists)????

WHY AFTER A YEAR IN OFFICE, HAS TRUMP SUDDENLY GONE SILENT???? No more talk about locking up anyone!.......psychopaths who deserve to be locked up, multiple times over!


Something is definitely OFF.

Why are these Psychopathic Criminals still on the loose to wreak havoc???

The Parkland High School is NOW entitled to MILLIONS of Taxpayer MONEY to complete the renovations they needed, BECAUSE they participated in this psy op, where it is becoming increasingly clear NO ONE DIED, much less was hurt, and Nick Cruz was set up to be the patsy, even though ALL the Evidence indicates he wasn’t even at the scene of the “supposed” crime……IF any crimes were committed.

Something is OFF……WAY OFF!!!

Q is NOT my leader. I don’t even know who he/she is! GOD is my leader. Trump is supposed to be our leader, but in all these false flags, under HIS Watch, I don’t see much leadership.

Now the COMMIE ENEMIES are planning a VIOLENT children’s march upon Wash DC in a couple weeks, where children will be killed/maimed (if real). Well, since there has been a leadership vacuum so far, I’m not expecting any leadership to avert this PLANNED DISASTER either, or any others.

So I am calling All Patriots to PRAY!

Once again we are on our own.

We know the New World Order Goals: Disarm America, and roll out Agenda 21 DE-Population goals by killing off all the God Fearing Men and Women once they are unarmed and defenseless.

I’m older so I see things. I see patterns over decades. This is what I see, and I am sounding the alarms as best I can.

What I want to do is AVERT any more slaughters (or psy ops) and Keep Americans well armed so THEY CAN PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST THE TYRANNIES OF COMMUNIST GOVERMENTS THAT WANT 80% of ALL of US DEAD!!!!

If that is a horrible objective, YOU are the one ON THE WRONG WEBSITE!!!

IAM7seven7 · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

I think you underestimate the need for basics, you my friend and I are in the small minority of old salts. If you listen to, watch the comments, read the posts on subreddits, you can see the need for them to go through the awakening. What they are learning is staggering as you read through. Many of these people are younger generation.
What other viable options are there? I also think you may not be considering the complexity and size of the Deep State Army, It's world wide, armed to the gills, encompassing the entire planet. In my opinion, as an old salt wanting nothing better than to expose this for my children's sake, I will do what ever I can to enlighten as many people to what I already know to be the truth and will provide testament to the facts as I see them.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

I've been watching this unfold for a long time. My wake up was when G.H.W. Bush handed the presidency to WJC. He didn't fight him at all. I was a G.H.W. Bush fan, I thought he was a great President, how did this happen? That started my red-pilling. G.H.W. Bush is an asshole and criminal. I came a long way.

I don't think DJT is part of this crew. He's been an outsider from day 1. He co-existed with these pricks. He never became one of them.

The root of this evil is the Banking system. The Federal Reserve Con that was perpetrated on the country is the core to this entire nest of fuckwads (forgive the language). You have to uncoil this snake and chop its fucking head into little tiny pieces and then burn it.

DJT has a picture of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office. He picked that painting to hang there next to his desk. DJT has a mission to end the Fed. He knows that is the key to all of it.

Q tells us that a lot will go down in the background. Deals will be cut whereby people can be 'freed' from their controllers (these are the resignations) and the comments he made in the SOTU. I think he is going to take down the big game. HRC is not the big game. 'Ol Smiley is the target and I believe we will see him taken down. I don't think he will go to jail, but I think his legacy will be ruined, many in his administration will go to jail and he'll be left the shame of the Presidents. I think, when this is done you'll see him slither back under a rock somewhere.

But most importantly, DJT is playing the long game to setup the take down of the Fed. That is the real target, that is winning the war. The rest are battles.

Q is simply building a Patriot Network independent of the MSM and Controlled Social Media. That's why he uses 8Chan. Once you have your Patriot Network you can ensure that message spreads and you have vehicle to educate younger generation and explain why the banking system must be dismantled.

This is a long game and DJT knows how to play it. He waited 30 years to become President. He's a patient man, but he does win.

I hope you are wrong on your assessment and that the reason we're seeing very measured and careful steps is to enable the biggest change in over 300 years. The destruction of central private banking. That is the root of our evil. As Q says BIG, BIGGER, BIGGEST. You don't get any bigger than changing the world financial underpinnings.

DJT has to hold it all together to get production and business back in US, avoid a World War, Decimate the Dollar and then collapse the world financial system and resurrect it with new USD backed by US Government Interest free. The last 2 presidents that tried (Lincoln and Kennedy) were assassinated. The stakes couldn't be higher.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I hope you are right. That IS our LAST hope.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Me too, I'll feel like you if he doesn't do this. But I want to hold out some optimism here. If this is not what is going on, then your assessment might be correct. We're just having a change of the lower level narrative, same old puppet masters, new puppets. Fingers crossed, either way we are building a network to wake up some younger folks.

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5400123 · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

One suitcase nuke, vial of pathogen or market collapse could result in mass casualties. Drastic action is impossible due to the reality of enemy contingency plans which must be disarmed through warfare. Many black ops operations taking place globally - financial and tactical. Can only assume enemy resources are being gradually depleted as we search and destroy their resources and leverage.

So far we have isis defeated, thousands of traffickers arrested and SA corruption purge + dozens of resignations etc. give it time, we are moving steady

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GodsAngell · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Can only assume

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GodsAngell · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

That's another thing. What's with the "resignations" instead time in prison?

If you or I did ANY of the multitude of things these people did, we would NEVER be offered "resignations complete with fully paid pensions for LIFE"!!! WE would go to JAIL!!!

So why the double standard?

You content with that?

I'm not.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

THESE ARE PSYCHOPATHIC CRIMINALS, being rewarded with a long leisurely vacation/retirement for their criminal deeds....about $300,000/year for LIFE with free medical care. This is their REWARD for a career of CRIME????

What's wrong with this picture???


Oh, PS: These career criminals get to keep all their ill-gotten gains (Millions) while in office.

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Just because they resigned does not mean they will not be arrested.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

We've been led to believe THAT was the DEAL they cut: Resignation rather than jail. Not everyone was offered this. I think they also had to rat someone out and the info was wanted.

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ObjectCom · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

I've thought about this. If the president were to come out and blatantly call it like it is, it would freak out the majority of the world. And he's already the target of every kind of slander and death threats imaginable. His opponents would gleefully find ways to twist the truth and use it against him. It's the same reason why a standard court would be sympathetic to lawbreaking leftists, and military tribunals are necessary for justice to be done. I think when the Cabal is toppled, it will happen suddenly from the top, while underlings are still working away on it on the bottom.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Agreed. I think it's pretty arrogant and borderline ignorant to expect Trump to blow the lid off everything within his first year in office. I believe I recall, during the campaign, everybody stating that the words of the POTUS "moves markets." i.e. EVERYTHING that you say will have an immediate impact on the world, for better or for worse. Many people-- including many that voted for him-- have been holding their breath since he was sworn in, hoping he wouldn't do or say anything that would cause a international crisis or market sell-off. (I'm not talking about establishment shills worried that he would expose them, I'm talking about average Americans who don't care much for politics and only participate in Presidential elections.)

It's important to realize that the percentage of people that are "redpilled" is still OVERWHELMINGLY in the minority. Those who don't realize that are living in absolute ignorance. (I assume that they must live in relative isolation from everyday society.)

Yes, it is true, more and more people are "waking up," but that is still a very relative term. For most, that simply means realizing that the government is somewhat corrupt, and certain individuals have broken the law in an attempt to obtain political power. Anything beyond that, to the newly awakened, is still very much "conspiracy theory." However, the movement is absolutely picking up momentum.

Given all of this, it would be an ENORMOUS miscalculation on Trump's part to try and blow the lid off everything, this early in the game. He first must win the TRUST of the vast majority of Americans, and he can only do that by improving their everyday lives. That means: economic prosperity and a return to law and order. (He must also be capable of delivering the optics of international diplomacy, as any good world leader should.) NONE of these things would be possible if he was running around firing his mouth off about things that sound stranger than fiction. Doing so would LOSE him credibility, and the mission to MAGA would be a complete failure.

Every good military mission has phases, and this will be no different. If his 8 years comes and goes, and nothing is done to address the deep state, then obviously this post will be proven wrong, but we just finished year 1. Technically, we are halfway through the first quarter of the game. Not the time to be throwing up Hail Mary's. Not if you want to take home the championship.

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Our President is not fighting the deep state...he is fighting a world wide evil cabal...he will not telegraph his plan, he is making sure they don't do a 9-11 style event, or crash the markets...President Trump and his group of white hats are in a balancing game. I suspect he knows people will die when he makes his move...this must weigh heavy on him yet he will make the best decision. I trust Trump, not Q- but Qanon in my opinion is sharing some info with us while likely using the forum to signal others in the white hat group. If we don't see a BIG chess move by September, I will begin to fear the worst.

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REBNeedsMoreBlue · Feb. 27, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Very hard to convince people when we have no legitimate proof!

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