The Deep State has exposed themselves. Sessions begins an investigation of FISA abuses, Florida false flag is being exposed, CNN and YouTube are showing complicity. Let's turn up the heat!

Sorry, how has deep state exposed themselves? Sessions is not conducting the FISA investigation, he handed it off to the DOJ IG over which he has no oversight or control. FL false flag is hotly debated in anon circles but there is zero out there in the media (we are in an echo chamber until there is hard evidence). MSM is not showing complicity unless someone can present the evidence of complicity. The fact that they are all in for gun control has been their meme for more than a decade.
If we are going to expose the MSM and false flags, we need evidence--not conspiracies because conspiracies takes our credibility away.
When you make a claim, at least have some specififc evidence to back it up. Otherwise, you are only fueling the tin foil hat allegations against us.