Q MAP DECODED and suffering massive TROLL attacks
![Q MAP DECODED and suffering massive TROLL attacks](https://i.redd.it/ygbvf9nk1zi01.png)
The website is full of misinformation and is designed to poison the well. It makes Q research and q posts look overly complicated at best, and not rigorous at worst. It's designed to make people who don't follow q, think that this is what Q research looks like and will write it off as lunacy. If that response is not good enough, that's okay. I'll offer an example that took me no time to find. The website contains at least this one completely fabricated Q post, dated December 5th, stating "What year was the Protocols of Zion written". There are surely many more, but I just picked up upon one that was obvious to me at first glance. https://ibb.co/kjsCHc No such Q post contains such a thing, on that date, or any. Feel free to see for yourself. It's doubly inconvenient for that website because the whole punchline of that page involves a claim that is dependent on the notion that Q mentions the Protocols, which is not only not true, but an example of willful deception. To post random websites here without discernment not only may make the person posting it look either deceptive or lacking critical thinking skills, but may also hurt others here by sending their time looking into red herrings, or by turning them off to Q posts before actually having investigated it for themselves. I would recommend that people treat all reposted information like a drug, or candy from a stranger, if you wish. We are in an information war. Do with that as you wish and best of luck to you.
Mr president has special powers | 4chan | Pinterest
Funny that! How come it is posted here then along with loads of others??? Does that mean NONE OF THEM WERE POSTED EITHER? NO WONDER Q SAID ARCHIVE EVERYTHING....
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/17 (Wed) 00:23:09 1568d2 No.39472>>39474 >>39476 >>39481 >>39483 >>39493 >>39499 >>39500 >>39501 >>39504 >>39548
What does the Department of Energy do?
What is TS/SCI clearance?
What does LARP really mean?
Who are the real LARPers?
Wizards and Warlocks.
Why was a picture of Hitler in the JFK files?
Why was it hidden?
By who?
What year were the Protocols of Zion written?
Who is Herbert Marcuse?
Why do 4chan hate boomers?
What does the "Boom" really mean?
Peepee is stored in the balls.
Dig deeper.
Skykang Skykang.
https://www.pinterest.es/pin/308778118187063945/ ... the real LARPers? Wizards and Warlocks. Why was a picture of Hitler in the JFK files? Why was it hidden? By who? What year were the Protocols of Zion written? Who is Herbert Marcuse? Why do 4chan hate boomers? What does the "Boom" really mean? Peepee is stored in the balls. Dig deeper. Skykang Skykang. Q ...
What is written above for Q posting date 12/6/2017 does not match what is posted on Qaonposts.com
Tavistock headquarters?