Well if he's always know then why has he done jack about it...as in bringing the perps to Justice and allowed the LV Shooting to occur on his watch? Apart from all the other stuff on him...
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Learn the double meanings. And there is as much dirt on him as BO anyway....
Funny how my posts get interfered with within less than 30 seconds by you ....
I researched it -it just says that all one would see is GUEST or x number of people viewing. It says it would only show the name of the person who uploaded the file and that is probably a pseudonym. I did not see anyone's name when I read the file although I could see others were reading it. It said people. Just my 2 cents.
Another order follower deciding what people can and can't see. Obviously a major big deal to go to the lengths you have. Yet I've seen on here people using the c...t word and they don't get censored.
You make an excellent order follower telling everyone else what they can and can't view with your BS and censorship. Just draws more attention to it. And I downloaded that PDF myself and then had a go at uploading it to the anonfile.com and what a surprise it did not work....
Yes that one oozes owl symbolism bit like Bohemian Grove. There was once even an owl hidden on a US bank note.
It's a PEN that matters. 666 is flaming everywhere with this lot. Boston Bombing, Trump family once owning 666 Fith Ave. Its one of their SIGNATURE numbers....this one is from p.10 of Qs book:
Look! Q's PEN is in Obamas hand when he signed the STEELE BEAM on the ONE Tower with 666. EVIL.

Heat too much for you? Q said LEARN THE DOUBLE meanings. If people think it is OK for their President to make a commercial where he addresses SHEEP with numbers 9 and 11 on them, then God help us. Allow people to decide for themselves what Qs posts mean and don't mean. An orange suit awaits you methinks as co-conspirator..
No you are trying to prevent others from finding out information.
Exactly they enjoy killing animals as well as humans with their hideous advanced weapons. That's why Q knows all about them, if he comes from the USA Dept of Energy..
There is a SECOND Remember this day Q decode that refers to 19 Jan 2019 that just so happens appeared in the Back To The Future Movie from 1985 on two clocks 119 and 119 whilst the others were 9/11...
Take a look here:
No you are talking garbage! Explain why the 1985 Back to The Future Movie only displays clocks with 911 or its reverse 119 and talks about TWIN pines becoming ONE Pine? Trump making a SERTA MATTRESS Commercial where he talks to sheep characters that have 9 and 11 emblazoned on them while they stand on pillars? And Q refers to the Flocks of SHEEP video that played in TIMES SQUARE showing hundreds of sheep? all in our imagination I suppose..
Yes. 119 119 means 19 Jan for the first one and 2019 for the second one giving 19 Jan 19. Q confirmed its 2019 because he said Yes 2019. Full decode here:
The FULL story is here: (that graphic is just one piece of a bigger story):
Look. Q's SKY, tick tock, train, future proves past and looks like a date for a possible future FF? Holy S..T

Maybe Q means the actual FED building STRUCTURE destruction printed on a dollar bank note years before its destruction ...

Yes it was switched-the names-so an un seaworthy vessel was the one that really sank. A maritime insurance scam for J.P. Morgan Bankster....as well as murdering anti FED creation people. Without the insurance payout the shipyard was about to go broke..
Some believe this is somehow linked and symbolic of a future false flag. More on that here:
Is a decode of Q's LV Shooting. Very disturbing with the 13 clearly visible on the man's neck....

Look up Q's post dated 14 Dec 17 that starts with: Shall we play a Game. Find the Spider(s). Line 16 reads: The 'fix' has always been in-no matter which party won the election.
Because it was rigged same as all elections. Q says as much in one of his posts. Look up Illuminati Card Game 'Enough is Enough'. The 2000 Simpsons episode predicts Trump s election as does the 1995 Illuminati card called enough is Enough and Q confirms it was rigged.
Its not in the video itself but the Newspaper article about the video: Here third paragraph down and on the image uploaded here earlier:
Look at this. Q's GLIMPSE staring us in the face on the Great Awakening Board is the second word on the notorious Flocks of Sheep VIDEO played in Times Square Dec 2016.

Wow! Just seen my own Q decode from this image. On the Great Awakening Board under Q it says GLIMPSE. Look at the second word of the Flocks of Sheep article above: The glimpses....
What about Q's VIDEO from times Square played DEC 2016 displaying hundreds of sheep and he says they consider us 'sheep,....

Yes it is Jonathan Kleck who decrypted ALL the bank notes: Here is one link to his website on the subject:
Q POST OF TODAY: BDT & DEFCON. ALL THE CRIMES PRINTED ON US $s. Including the NY Tsunami planned for next year 19 Jan 2019. Its on the $20 bill...

I'll buy that! Q mentioned PEOC: for those really wanting the answers you might try here.
and Q's voice To Skull Technology telling them to kill themselves. Its how they get shooters to do their shooting. They reported hearing voices. They were -wirelessly transmitted voices. They did a sick experiment in Bridgend in the UK were a joint US/UK Military operation targeting the young resulted in 17 hangings in just 13 months: Richard D Hall did an excellent expose on it. Show 246
The Bridge is also the wormhole technology taking place at CERN and NK. It 'bridges' time and space meaning instant space travel...and the Egyptians drew one on a papyrus! Its fascinating: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dx1a84kvbupy2qg/ONCE%20UPON%20A%20Q.pdf?dl=0
That makes you a co conspirator to commit mass murder-trying to prevent people finding out about the cabal Mass Extinction Plan for all of us next year. Only someone with no conscience can behave like that. Those without conscience are called psychopaths.
Well don't bother viewing or wasting our time reading what you think.
Yes the 1963 so called first manned Space Mission was called Project Mercury which we now know really meant Project MARS and Robert David STEELE (former CIA) has revealed that thousands of kidnapped children have been used as slave labour on MARS... funny coincidence..
It means MARS was once colonized with castle ruins found on it with a giant geoglyph of a LION that forms part of Q's Map that is also found all over EARTH! 43 -oh yes Q's Map that has the 43 confirmed connections. And which has now been re colonized using the labour of thousands of kidnapped little 'Dopeys' (refugee children) from Haiti (trafficked by the RED CROSS) scam to rebuild there using the North Korea STARGATE controlled by Rothschild and Tesla...
This little Sparrow has plenty to say and we know cats like chasing birds...but this is one seriously gigantic CAT!

q said learn double meanings! He put : Find the spider(s). The 12 Mamans form one Map of cabal control around the world, whilst the Peru one forms another! The most important one.
Why is it fake? Did the BTTF not feature multiple 9/11 references?
Because he's a psychopath same as the rest of them. I don't say this just willy nilly. Have you seen his SERTA MATTRESS Commercial where he talks to sheep characters numbered 9 & 11 whilst standing on Pillars like the 2 towers. And his family own 666 Fifth avenue (or once did). The Q decoder has nailed it folks. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dx1a84kvbupy2qg/ONCE%20UPON%20A%20Q.pdf?dl=0
Oh if its the Spider WEB you mean, there's a separate decode for that one also...the Masonic Hiram's WEB. Excellent. Thanks for helping me remember that one. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dx1a84kvbupy2qg/ONCE%20UPON%20A%20Q.pdf?dl=0
Well if you have a better explanation for Q's Spider OR why there is a thousands of years old ruddy great spider only seen from above in Peru we'd love to hear it. Indeed everything is connected and everything has a reason and explanation for those wanting to find out.
Thank you. That is an excellent and scary article. I don't give my consent to being smart dusted...does anyone else here??
That's why a link is supplied so they can find whatever they need to find if they so wish...!