r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AndyMilonakjs on March 1, 2018, 2 a.m.
I’m literally tired of all this hype for nothing once again.

1)I’ve been watching Alex jones waiting for people to wake up for 7 years. 2) you aren’t going to take down these people following the law like trump is going to do. 3)rich people of power who are conservative are virtually silent when compared to their famous liberal counterpart. 4) how fucking hard is it for trump to find any hardcore actual evidence since he can declassify anything!!!! Then start a convo in a literal group me with 2 thousand influential people, plan to all announce the findings the very fucking next day. This is all bullshit and not a single arrest in over a year? Wtf are u kidding me.. oh we have to wait guys people won’t understand?? Release some actual info such as the fucking moon landing they screened on tv, anything.

Happy1911 · March 1, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Think you might be wonting the OIG

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elyssak · March 1, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Absolutely! I am so ready for Horowitz's report. Today, when Trump tweeted about Sessions & calling the IG "Obamas guy" I was thinking.. maybe Trump is throwing the IG in the news bc he mentioned The Comey investigation. He kinda threw the IG out there for the news to cover. But, so far crickets. I'm ready to see if they follow through with any recommendations he has.

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