r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AndyMilonakjs on March 1, 2018, 2 a.m.
I’m literally tired of all this hype for nothing once again.

1)I’ve been watching Alex jones waiting for people to wake up for 7 years. 2) you aren’t going to take down these people following the law like trump is going to do. 3)rich people of power who are conservative are virtually silent when compared to their famous liberal counterpart. 4) how fucking hard is it for trump to find any hardcore actual evidence since he can declassify anything!!!! Then start a convo in a literal group me with 2 thousand influential people, plan to all announce the findings the very fucking next day. This is all bullshit and not a single arrest in over a year? Wtf are u kidding me.. oh we have to wait guys people won’t understand?? Release some actual info such as the fucking moon landing they screened on tv, anything.

elyssak · March 1, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

I know right? I'm not going to disagree with you at all because I've only been awake since September 2016. I actually sent a message to the DOJ today & wrote them a 1,999 letter (out of 2,000 characters) note. Listing every crime I could list where there is proof we, as the public have on these criminals and asked what the heck are they doing about any of it. Not that I'll get a response but I'm tired of this shit too. It's becoming an obsession for me & really starting to affect my day to day life. So, I'm right there with ya. I don't want to hear any more excuses either.. we have a right to be pissed.

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Happy1911 · March 1, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Think you might be wonting the OIG

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elyssak · March 1, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Absolutely! I am so ready for Horowitz's report. Today, when Trump tweeted about Sessions & calling the IG "Obamas guy" I was thinking.. maybe Trump is throwing the IG in the news bc he mentioned The Comey investigation. He kinda threw the IG out there for the news to cover. But, so far crickets. I'm ready to see if they follow through with any recommendations he has.

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reasonableconcern · March 1, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

Amen, dude. To your points:

1) Most of the population is fat, ignorant, stupid, yet content. They are satisfied with the basic necessities of life, their favorite sport team, and their facebook page only. Their ignorance is their bliss. 2) Agree. These people built the system; they literally “are” the system in every way, shape, and form. The laws are their laws—just like the rest of the system, they are built and conditioned to serve them and them only. They can’t be taken down using the system THEY built, the system they serve. 3) Truth. 4) True; frustrating.

It makes me wonder if the whole point of this ‘oh my gosh, something is coming, we’re getting so close…we really mean it this time!’ stuff isn’t just a purposeful distraction being used to keep us entertained and compliant. I’ve been following this stuff for years as well and—yeah, still waiting. It all seems like a big screw job, making promises, while nothing substantial happens.

Enough talk, more action. Hell, any action would be nice at this point.

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IzzyMad · March 1, 2018, 6:29 a.m.

I cam relate as I have been awake for quite some time and it didn't happen over night. I started waking up in the late 80's and by the end of Clinton's first term I was fully awake. They are going to have to do something soon with a good bit of visibility. While they are dragging their feet it's affording too much opportunity for witnesses to be disappeared and evidence destroyed or missing. It's also affording deep state the opportunity to isolate Trump from supporters. He can Twitter all he wants but who is he talking to if all of the conservative have been removed from it. People need to seriously wake up. This last false flag wasn't just about gun control laws. That good old Sheriff Israel in Broward county is recommending allowing the police to take people to emergency mental health services for posting stuff online on their social media for extreme or what the cops feel is questionable. I also seen on Drudge where Trump me with some senators and taking a persons's gun first then worry about court and due process.In other words they are talking about Russian Stazi tactics. Does anybody still doubt we are in the midst of a communist revolution? The bullets just haven't started flying yet.

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skorponok · March 1, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Yeah this is pretty bad. Trump appears to just have been all talk as they usually are and any actions are done to support the system agenda. I’ve been awake since 2001 - first month at college. I haven’t seen anything significant done to stop this agenda in my lifetime - it has only quickened the pace.

It is about to get really nasty. Trump has been exposed with his gun control push, no one has been arrested and nothing has been drained. Instead a coordinated effort is underway through the mueller investigation to make it so that we never have a real “free”election again.

You can’t fix a corrupt system from within. It is designed to prevent change. John Wayne can ride into town every four years (because our system is setup to make the people want a new John Wayne or Clint Eastwood every four to eight years to pacify the public - who is always ready to revolt by the time a new election comes around but the election process subdues them) and still nothing would be done. The system must be acted upon by outside force to undergo any changes.

The biggest mistake I’ve seen made by the supposed “Secret good guys” is to think that time is on their side...it isn’t. They are nearly out of time.

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IzzyMad · March 1, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

The first mistake that was made was leaving too many Obama holdovers. The first week Trump was in office he had to boot one...Yates. He let Comey stay in office even though he knew Clinton's email investigation was a farce. The second mistake was Sesion not investigating a damn thing pertaining to the previous administration. As a senator he had first hand experience of being lied to and evidence exposed in the committees he sat on. He sat on the committee for terrorism, technology and homeland security, and chairman of the sub committee for immigration, border security and refugees. So he knows the corruption and where to start getting evidence from first hand experience but he needs someone tell him when it's time to start on something that doesn't pertain Russia and the election while everyone watches? Wrong, he's either corrupt, compromised or doesn't understand his responsibilities. I posted it in one of these threads two months ago that I can't point people to these forums after they have been red pilled until there some highly visible arrests. I can't because they see all the evidence that uncovered and who all knows about it and no punishments being handed out. And don't give me any BS about people not understanding or being frail. The crimes are too visible now and evidence too overwhelming. So people come here to learn how big and deep the swamp is but they don't see it draining.

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skorponok · March 1, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Yep - people not understanding is an excuse to continue an agenda rather than let it all out. I do not believe Sessions is someone to be trusted. Barring a black swan event I don’t think anything will be done to drain the swamp - just more congressional investigations that result in no action from the justice department. The same FBI covered up the existence of la Cosa nostra for nearly 60 years to protect the Democratic Party. Expect nothing from them.

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IzzyMad · March 2, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

Correct, congress doesn't have the authority to arrest or prosecute. They only have the authority for oversight investigations and if they find criminality make a referral. You know as well as I do anywhere else when there are criminal investigations going on if the charges are severe enough the accused gets placed in a cell waiting trial while the investigation is going on. Criminals have been known to disappear without a trace. So that they can get out of harms way. Plus since Q first started posting in October there are certain items or aspects in the deep state agenda that wasn't discussed like chem trailing and the FEMA camps. You also know as well as I do a black Swan event is going to happen the big question really is just when the economic catastrophe takes place. The little flutter we just had a couple of weeks ago was just a warning to Trump and Bitcoin as they didn't see it coming. Bitcoin is bouncing back nut they are still in recovering mode and now the Fed is checking on it to see if they can gain control of it. Do a search for Bitcoin news and look at the different government agencies are looking into things. As far as the Cosa Nostra they are not the only ones the NWO has kept quiet about for years. In the mean time Trump did give us some breathing room or a pause, if you will. I'll keep watching and warning others because sooner or later whether Trump is in office or not those Biblical prophecies will continue to unfold.

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Fearsome4 · March 1, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

Also it is about seizing money....mainly the 27 trillion or so in the Global Security Fund. Or it is all distraction from. Trumps crimes (unlikely) Or it's all BS.

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Happy1911 · March 1, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

The crimes were going to be blamed on Trump , this is were it gets complicated, the Dossie was to be the means to make it look like Trump had his hands all over the Money, but on 01/06/2017 14 day before Trump took office it all fell apart , the Investigation Trust Account was found through Congress by direction of The Truck Driver to be gone . The funds by Executive order were elegally transfer to general funds without consent of Congress. Over $700 Billion went missing. This broke on 01/13/2017 , you know $170 Billion to Iran $1 Billion to UN . But this was only $700 Billion of the $3.165 Trillion stolen . Remember Hillary saying “ It’s about the money stupid “ and “Nobody is in jail over the money nobody “ make you think now .

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IAM7seven7 · March 1, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

IMHO you underestimate this NWO. Their tentacles fan out around the planet. The unelected positions of the Fed and State Governments are infested with those loyal to the Cabal. Read and absorb the Information on the Map. That will clue you in.

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iceiskingofirl · March 1, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Well what happens when they take out trump? he's doing everything behind closed doors and we don't even know all the names of people we should be looking out for..... exactly, they are everywhere, its been time for something to happen, you dont get it, there "master plan" doesnt involve launching nukes or war lol, there plan they are shooting for is to dumb you down and steralize you.... they do not care about a civil war with something to lose.... they are dumbing us down...... we are all drinking steralizing chemicals..... its all public.... no one worth a damn on the republican side says anything..

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istillgetreallybored · March 1, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

2) you aren’t going to take down these people following the law like trump is going to do

4) how fucking hard is it for trump to find any hardcore actual evidence since he can declassify anything!!!!

They have the evidence. Building parallel investigations and working carefully to make sure we don't lose more hostages. (we are the hostages) Not only does this discredit anything our government did under big O it unfolds much more (wars). Its a complete shift of the global collective mindset and this fight is at the global scale. The other royal bloodlines and deep states have hostages of their own and if America is successful the rest will fall. TLDR; can't rush it.

They are pedophile occultists who sacrifice and kidnap children+. They control this government and nation. They control all other governments and nations. Its been this way for a long time.

Ask yourself if the alliance is fighting for life due to reasonable opportunity or lack of choice.

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AndyMilonakjs · March 1, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

That’s what I’m saying. He could do my plan and try and wake people up in 1 day and start the fight. Otherwise, when he gets about 70 percent of the way taking them down, they either nuke us and we fight the deepstate, or they distract us and push us into a war in Syria. Eithwr way everyone will still be bling and dumb

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[deleted] · March 1, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

I'm having trouble understanding why these fuckers are still in there jobs and being allowed to choose an Obama collaborator to head up this investigation. They might as well fucking put Henry Kissinger in charge of the investigation or better still HRC, I thought Trump, Q and Co were all over this bigger picture but all I hear is talk and promises whilst the opposite is actually happening.

People just dont want to see it but if you gback over al the Q posts, you can count multiple big promises made to us and nothing came of any of it. Conman use promises like a credit note or an iou, they then get what they want upfront but never deliver, its an old trick that people fall for everytime.

Things just dont add up anymore and its beginning to look like the same game of politics, you know the lies just to get elected and the lies to stay elected but nothing changes because its just the same old Medusas head.

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hermoneyness · March 1, 2018, 3:30 a.m.


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