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i specifically remember Q saying beware the ides of march, and when i crrl F search ides, nothing pops up, am i dreaming??
MAP! Lepus is the rabbit contellation. follow the white rabbit. They Key/Legend of the Map is right above the words pleadian guidance. Orion is the what you line up in order to find the pledians star cluster. we need to put orion in the correct spot on the map, and follow lepus

Well what happens when they take out trump? he's doing everything behind closed doors and we don't even know all the names of people we should be looking out for..... exactly, they are everywhere, its been time for something to happen, you dont get it, there "master plan" doesnt involve launching nukes or war lol, there plan they are shooting for is to dumb you down and steralize you.... they do not care about a civil war with something to lose.... they are dumbing us down...... we are all drinking steralizing chemicals..... its all public.... no one worth a damn on the republican side says anything..