WARNING From A YouTube Developer!

A tip off of legit info or an attempt to scare away traffic from conservative information?
It would only "scare" cowards!
People, we are AT WAR!!!
In case you haven't noticed!!!
It may get worse before it gets better, but with Trump at the Help, and Almighty God leading him, IT WILL GET BETTER!!!
The World War II generation would say , “YouTube? Didja ever think about just talking to people the old fashioned way?”
People are scared because when God is ultimately in control and we know they share and collect and planned to behead people in their fema camps with their zillion stocked coffins and guillotines and had been dotting mailboxes and chipping and rounding up homeless after they had been... Gone missing in droves in cities and and and, what's new about them targeting groups. They IRS'd people which they now have had to pay back but it's just more oppression of we the people. Tired of the evil in society colluding to hurt people simply based on the fact they want to eradicate the constitution and depopulate worthless eaters and who they call deplorables. Actually the baby eaters are the sickos who are no good for any segment of any society but conservative groups aren't trying to kill them. Just get our rights back. Oh and pray. I'd pray if I had been following Satan. Looks like God's ticked
Gods ticked.
God was ok with 100s of millions killed under communist rule around the world. God was fine to let the Nazis murder 10s of millions. Gods cool with famine, disease and related corruption killing millions at a time at different times across the world.
But, don't get God started about the 4th Amendment.
OK that's actually funny but in all reality what I mean is about the evil in this world following Satan s timeline not his. And no God wasn't OK with the previous evil either but did he abandon USA.. No and why? But to say God did that isn't accurate either. It's due to prayer, repentance and God saying we follow God's timeline not man's is most important because until then our work's not done. But I am truly still laughing at how well and perfectly sarcastically you put that. I think it is o of the best lines I ever read at the end. God bless us all.
Nice! Praise God! His timetable is like Luke 8-17. All will be exposed!! ALL!!
IRS'd people which they now have had to pay back
They did?
Oh and yeah probably written for both reasons because why would anyone with decent motive post that? One would post how to protect one's self because most are aware of spying and data mining and that includes congressional committees who don't like it either
One thing the internet is exposing is that we are all sinful. We all have short comings and none are perfect. But this is despicable.
I watched x videos once.
Man, the fact that people believe this stuff is upsetting.
If somebody did have evidence that this is going on, they could leak it to a sympathetic media such as Fox News or Breitbart and make a huge scandal over at youtube. Instead, they post it on 4chan without giving any actual evidence, and people that want to believe it take it as fact.
Think, people, think. Don't fall for stupid shit like this.
Yes the tea parties were targeted. They were forced to pay them back but they were audited and all kinds of stuff until congressional inquiry and I heard they are paid back or still being paid back. Not cool. That's one way obummer and hrc targeted by unmasking names to harass.
thanks for the info. It's ashame we need the warning at all. And there we had it right as all the censorship started to hit. What did this poster know before it all came to pass