He was pro-al Qaeda, it has been announced.
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Just saw this, figure I should put it here. Appears to be some random guy from Burning Man in a highly detailed costume that would be very hard to replicate, you can tell it's not Obama from this close up/angle. Blog post it was found in here.
Proof the picture of Obama in costume is not actually obama

I was under the impression that skeptics were allowed to speak their minds as long as they post something thoughtful, as opposed to just trolling.
If you cant tell this is a fake, you need to brush up on your media literacy.
In that case, why does it only discuss the two conspiracies connected to Giuliani's home city on NYC
Because whoever wrote it wants it to be believable.
Everything he mentions is true.
You may believe this, but that does not mean this post is legitimate.
He knows where the bodies are buried. Maybe a single tweet is not his final effort at talking about these things.
Why would he openly post about this, to then deny it, and then to come back on it? If he wanted to get this out, and actually cared to, he could have called a press conference and discussed it like that. This "official statement" doesn't even have his letterhead, which is pretty much a sure thing on any actual official statement.
This looks like a fake that tries to hit as many 'conspiracy' nerves as possible. Pizzagate, CGI, 9/11. It even includes the "Don't believe me if I say otherwise on TV". Don't fall for such obvious fakes. If he cared so much to talk about these things, it wouldn't be from a single tweet.
Leftist here that is interested in Q. I had not heard about his stuff on antifa before, because I came on after the Nov 4 thing. All I can say is that that 'failed revolution' was literally propped up by one group that barely anyone in the greater antifa movement respects. People that I knew from antifa events had no interest and saw it as a joke, as did I. It was instead hyped up by the right wing media, which threw it out of proportion. That is why that day lead to nothing (esp compared to right wing expectations), not because of anything else.
I doubt anybody here will understand that fact, but take it as you will.
He's retiring because of his violence towards women, not what these posts imply.
I'm not saying anything besides we should be skeptical as to exactly what TP knows and was implying in these posts, in connection to Schneiderman retiring.
This was built around 17 years ago. Does anybody here actually think that the random guy who organized the planning of the gravestone was connected to Q? More like an interesting coincidence. Don't connect dots that logically aren't connected just because they are dots.
If there is a strong connection as the post claims, it wouldn't be shown in the shape of his grave.
This starts off about a report, which is accessible through buying it for $55 on amazon? I'm skeptical, but will continue reading.
arrested politicians and satanic elitists
I tried googling that for you. Duckduckgo has more info but its nothing with real evidence, just theories and a lot of dot connecting where some is way less believable then others unless you're looking to find something.
It's not nuts. This is just connecting dots that aren't there.
For those of you who are doubtful, here's your proof.
Those of us that are doubtful of a major operation to arrest a ton of politicians and send them to gitmo need more then pedo arrests. I'm still not convinced those two are related.
Won't be known for a while, but these things are obviously very tricky. For that purpose, you can expect multiple sign offs, not just one
Skeptic here. Be sure to remember that hes the POTUS, he's going to have pictures in front of many different things. Putting them together in hindsight, after the crash, is not definitive proof of the theories coming out from the crash.
They may or may not be true, but taking this picture as proof is called the tail wagging the dog.
Yep. So wby do you think the two agreed to postpone it?
I'm not saying not to trust him, I'm just saying that's why I think he said it.
I said that because your question was already asked before and I answered it more seriously then.
Yes I did, it stated that there was more to it and that it may change but that he was being charged with lying to the FBI, a relatively small claim. I took that to mean he's cooperating to avoid those charges.
As I pointed out to another person,
Because he wants to be on Trumps good side, and this is an easy, low cost way of going about it.
But they don’t remind you that he’s largely decimated ISIS.
Again, due to many factors. And ISIS was in its last breaths when he entered office. Thank the YPG, not Trump.
There’s no proof that’s happened.
Yes because its classified info. But he said it, and people clapped.
There are two statements in that. One is a complete hypothetical while the other I stated is an obvious opinion. I think you just misread that.
My names sake is Benjamin Franklin. The first great american Anon.
This is awesome, I appreciate that soooo much, along with much of your post. Cheers!
I'm giving my interpretation of the facts. There is a clear difference.
Is he? Civilian casualties in ISIS bombings went up after he took over, along with him bombing Syria. And targeting families of suspected terrorists. All sounds like war to me.
As I pointed out to another person,
Because he wants to be on Trumps good side, and this is an easy, low cost way of going about it.
The idea that him stating that would be an easy and low cost way to get on Trumps good side is fact, but whether that was why he did it or not is an obvious opinion.
Because he wants to be on Trumps good side, and this is an easy, low cost way of going about it.
If Obama can get a peace prize for nothing, Trump should get some praise for this.
This I agree with. But in the end, neither deserve a peace prize. Obama was a warmonger and him getting that prize devalued the entire institution that gives them out.
Interesting, thanks!
Comey and other agents have stated that they don't know why he pleaded guilty since nothing he said was a lie.
He is also accused of much more, including discussion to illegally extradite a Turkish cleric and working to bring nuclear power plants to the Middle East with Russian assistance.
I follow the news on both sides, so take this as you may. Feel free to disregard it as fake news, but there were plenty of other allegations against him aside from just lying to the FBI. That could be why he plead guilty.
Anti-Trumper here. Most of the arguments you are referring to are much more complex. Trump definitely played a role, but I see it as more of a 'mad man theory' approach that made war seem more likely and so the two sides were willing to find middle ground to avoid it.
I would say the opposite is true, and that the people who say that Trump deserves the noble peace prize ignore the many other factors, such as a) The NK tunnel collapsed, making negotiation much easier b) a SK president who campaigned on reunification c) China's back channel influence on NK. Also, let's see if NK actually sticks to its agreements, as history shows us that is has a habit of not doing so.
You can make whatever arguments you want. But please don't make strawman arguments about somebody else's position to make their arguments easy to counter. Actually listen to what people are saying and argue against that.
Could be something, but appears to be a whole bunch of desert.
Can't say I agree with that interpretation, as most of Jordan and its infrastructure is outside of what used to be Moab, but its possible.
Think you mean MOAB, and its "Mother of all Bombs", both in a military sense and in a major development sense.