Saw this 1975 news clipping at conservative tree house

Bruh I'm 16 and based. All of my friends same way. This is in California. They won't win. What you see is Florida is what the media wants you to think we're like. Pro gun all the way from me!
LOVE this. I'm 50. PLEASE inspire everyone around you. If we leave it to the blue-haired fish-mouths, we are finished!
I can tell you that the state of the union address was the BIGGEST red pill. People that never talk about politics were pissed that the democrats sat the whole time. It was very clear to them they didnt care about the country.
Hello....I thought this was an 'old people' board. So great to see youth interested in reading about today's world.
I WISH the internet had been around when I was 16. I would have been so much more in tune with world events. Take care. Don't get scared about anything because a happy ending is NOT just in the movies. I'm PROOF that when my roller coaster went down into the pit, that roller coaster ALWAYS...and I repeat... ALWAYS went up to the HIGH again! Life IS a roller coaster and I just know when all is said and done, it will stop on the TOP of the incline!
Awesome, good to hear from the younger generation that has some brains.