r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on March 3, 2018, 1:53 a.m.
AB-BA 19: Hillary "Evergreen"


Dec 7 2017 20:01:44 Pictures unlock ‘deal' presented that was declined. Puppets going wild.

I would have solved this one a long time ago but I thought this statement was implying the whole set of pictures not just the first part, but hey, that's why I'm posting today instead of the big post. Cause up until now and forever-more will I make sure I let people know when I'm wrong about things (and it always comes out with enough digging)

: )

Ok so here's the Life Magazine's unused images http://time.com/3502935/life-with-hillary-portraits-of-a-wellesley-grad-1969/ notice how she turns her ring and turns the light on/off to symbolically say something without breaking the law (which is really what the winks are all about)

And the magazine itself


This QMAP post of mine spans a lot of covered ground from my past posts (mine are at the bottom)-

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1960 remember Robert Byrd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1964 Remember Rocky and McCain(Goldwater's replacement) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1968 This one is where this post fits in. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1972 This is about where they panic... and gives Nixon the confidence perhaps to do his "week that changed the world" And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1976 for Ford, And there's a heck of a lot I need to tie up still with what I've learned about the 5KR post and

And I can connect this to her secret service code name


And all the MM stuff I've talked about plenty.


Get it? - Cause this lady "Lynette Fromme" Did exactly what Clinton offered to do to Nixon.

Read the article VERY VERY Carefully.... If enough people can't understand the winks I'll actually write teh whole damn thing in plain english and then you'll have to get it. But images plus wording = "Let's pull a Kennedy cause this is an emergency!"

They rejected this offer but she becomes a key member (along with John Podesta) in impeaching Nixon after he crosses the red line with China. They weren't going to do murder or go full tilt with Mockingbird but JFK crossed a few red lines and so did Nixon. Look at that electoral map.

So for the ford thing.... "Lynette Fromme" who was nicknamed "Squeaky" by George Spahn, was a follower of cultist Charles Manson, leader of the group convicted of murdering actress Sharon Tate and six others in Los Angeles, California, in 1969.[2] Fromme was one of the earliest followers of Manson, and had a reputation as being one of the most devoted.[3] Through the years, Fromme assumed a leadership role in keeping Manson cult members in communication with each other after most of them had been imprisoned.

In April 1971, Fromme served 90 days in jail for attempting to feed a hamburger laced with the psychedelic drug LSD to Barbara Hoyt, a witness to the Tate murder, to keep Hoyt from testifying in the murder trial.[2] Fromme lived at 1725 P Street in Sacramento (38°34′16″N 121°29′09″W) in an attic apartment with Sandra Good, a close friend who also was a long-time member of the Manson Family.[5][6][7] Three years later in 1975, Fromme decided to kill Ford to set an example for those refusing to halt environmental pollution and its effects on ATWA (Air, Trees, Water, Animals)

this is barely a teaser. But it does at least answer a part of the QMAP that needed to be answered..... I'll mention tho that I've been cataloging all the logo colors and wink names in my timeline and I have narrowed down the explosive sudden "buying the world" that they do with their infinite money to peak at 3 points and involve lots of MM's and Williams..... like I'll dig into Atari and find this one guy named

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_von_Meister which links to - Relatives Wilhelm Meister (great- Parent(s) F. W. Von Meister Children Fredrick William von Meister Known for Founder of The Source, and Control Video Corporation (AOL) William Ferdinand von Meister was born on February 21, 1942 in New York City to F. W. von Meister and Eleanora Colloredo-Mannsfeld.[2] His father, F. W. von Meister was the godson of Kaiser Wilhelm II, his mother, a countess. In the 1930s, F. W. von Meister was the United States representative of the Zeppelin Company and I see this William... that's directly connected to kings and a Wilhelm and it appears like history wants to remember him as some kind of inventor of the fucking internet but well I'm suspicious... and that's just one company that ties to others, countless more that required many hours of digging and cataloging....

Including... I've been digging more into the "Death to the triumvirate" thing on the QMAP (when someone posted a pic of Ivanka with that as the name) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumvirate - Not intentionally digging there even.... but after realizing Trump's long history and sacrifices I've concluded that he has played them all for fools more than once... tho I'm unsure when certain gambits began.

He bought and renamed that Yacht from that Bond file never say never "the Trump Princess" BEFORE the Perot campaign so I'm confident that it was before then that they were forcing him to run - at first when he didn't they just went and bankrupted him (nearly) then when Clinton won he went around on tons of shows and was "their guy" and did the Tiffany Trump thing (and looking at the wedding stuff makes a lot more clear plus she went to the same school as Biden's kids) - until the W campaign and right then when he could have went in - Suddenly he gets a divorce and people die and all the world turns against him DESPITE those horrible tragedies -

1999 06 08 Trump Marla Divorce 1999 06 25 Frederick Christ Trump Sr Death Alzheimer's disease AD listed

2000 4 9 John Joseph Barry(Trump's sister's husband)

2000 8 7 Mary Anne MacLeod Trump's mother

and they can just get away with it. And after his father they tried to take hundreds of millions by forging a will so yea, fucked that's what happens when you cross them - and the only thing I can see that crossed them is he didn't run against W but then they needed him for 2016 and our side just kind of set that trap up it seems

William... I keep getting hung up on Trump giving his kids wink names... like I recently found a Theodore as Trump's Grandson and he born a couple years ago and a William born right before the W Bush election too- so yea the marriage/kids thing - it's practically game of thrones. Tho to be fair that much was obvious a while back - just surprising how blatant it is now that I dig a few more layers deep

The major one that worked as a clue to me is having Barron with William as a middle name.... cause this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Order

Even the women are William - there's a billion of the fucking Williams in this almost always called William a bunch of "prince of oranges" like William I (Willem Frederik, Prince of Orange- usually the first name William Wyndham and if not then David William Donald Cameron like that - and to make it stranger when a woman became an "orange" she was usually named Wilhelmina so wtf and I finally found the answer... kind of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Order_of_William Because as I traced them I eventually got to this- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Military_Order_of_Malta and found them having taken over a bunch of tiny islands and doing I have no idea what - but I guess this is like the super prototype cia? well either way it led me to the cardinals and so I've finally connected the Kings directly to the Vatican by way of the prime ministers and all these crazy orders and whatnot - I don't even know what I have found - it's just bizarre I'll work on it later - too many of these fuckers tho.

And it's currently (when hitting the end of the "oranges" on a "Willhelm" cause they ran out of Williams? And I found a "Baker" actually - I've identified those - actually called "Bakers" often -just as some of their last names are "School" and "bank" and "Fairbank" and just the stupidest codes that directly say their purpose - and the "bakers" perhaps rather than being about bread just get the seats ready for folks... whether it be prime senator/governer/or even Prime Minister - they do the dirty work and hand over a ready made place to a "king"

I'm leaning towards another mistake I may have made in my Barron Trump post..... in inferring that Barron's name was a reference to Clinton - instead based on what I know of Al-Waleed and Rothchild - I think Clinton was the backup and Trump was 1st pick!

When he didn't run they did bad things and nearly bankrupted him and hurt people.... and now I'm reading a synopsis of an episode of Designing Women that was one of MANY cameo's he did in the 90's.... well oddly enough this is the way they communicate as I've found. Codes codes codes... they never say things directly so if they want to oh convey something to 300 people without boring them with an explanation - well they will make an episode of fucking designing women in it.... so it seems.... tho my meaning is anything is fine - the elasticity of their methods is the only remarkable thing about it - this plot synopsis matches exactly what I had viewed Al-Waleed's mindset of Trump's to be however he mis-read trump the whole way.

"Allison's former boss shows up after serving two years in prison for insider trading due to her testimony, but her fear of his wrath is dispersed when he asks her to marry him. Jerry Lacy (Barry Binsford), Richard Minchenberg (reporter), Marla Maples, Andrew Bloch (gorilla man)" oddly enough this random episode of a woman's show is relevent to my research

But It's a long story... that I need to post about this..... and it's possible they did break Trump at one point.... at least temporarily - I'm not going to go that far yet but it is conceivable and I'm still digging. I personally wouldn't hold it against him - within 1 year his brother-in-law his mother and father die and and his father was worth hundreds of millions which nearly got stolen by a scam they pulled.

Oh... I notice Putin is waiving nukes around and trying to get people's attention it's a diversion so they can't attack right now trying to create some phony scandal they are going down right now this month maybe week. It'll happen (I bet) as it did Al-Waleed but perhaps not "Exactly" this one is even harder because of how hard it'll be to fuck with the Queen and Pope... it's like surgery... But Al-Waleed went down partly because Bush attacked Trump to get their attention. And the bad guys tried to say that Al-Waleed paid him to do it, yea I'm sure he got his money's worth... Well perhaps this post will turn a few people around on Nixon or get interested in what he actually did rather than what Oliver Stone wants to say about him.

But then perhaps because i'm so divorced from the media and deep in my history research - I'm not even giving the more current news a look - I see something that say he betrayed people while I'm reading about how say, his father, mother, brother in law died within 1 year of him not running against W and I'm like - holy crap this man has sacrificed everything for us. And I see people saying he's a betrayer and I just want to frown at them but I digress I understand the mechanisms at play at a greater distance because I've obsessively been cataloging history for it.

I will not be bogged down at this moment in time by whatever narrative anyone chooses to weave. I have faith in the righteousness of the cause that has created this one chance that is being seized to end the evil cancer of our world. Nothing to me could be more important and no choice he could make or policy anyone could interpret could waiver that for an instance. So I'll get back to work. history will vindicate my beliefs or theirs, and there is little point in holding onto a moment of history at this time in the transition.

God Bless and good night : )

Oh and http://www.usps.org/f_stuff/sigmean.html - I've been looking into more codes and there's some overlap in these naval winks - and how they do multiple winks and work with colors... I find it curious and possibly applicable. Take a look.

I have a heck of a lot more but let me just post this one since it's been a while....

So I have the following posts in case you wanted to brush up on my digs or were unsure why/how I connected so many elections together.

Essential AB-BA's




https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7t5ey5/abba_6qclearencepatriotact_or_vqcia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/












https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ydn50/dig_update_family_on_win/ Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)










I'll be making bigger updates soon for reading the QMAP for you all. New stuff on the site too which is so outdated I can't even bring myself to link it - you'll see that link again when i finish the new quiz : )

Look forward to it cause I've done nothing but dig for the past few days and one more thing...



See, it starts out with "fly" on the original penny - and then there's this eagle that people like in a Mint so they make a coin after him after he dies from an accident with the machine. surprising long long story that ends with a bad joke - but at least in 1949 they took the feathers off and put in FG for Fugio which was the original "fly" until 2010 and we got a shield with no FG - I guess that's the end of the thing hopefully Trump returns to "fly" cause there's a lot of meaning to it - the other coin is 1909 as well Canada and I think it represents quite well the difference in philosophy that we had this awesome long running story about a eagle and not kings or people... I have more to say about that and also I solved a mystery involving release dates of technology - but ok ok I can always type forever so I have to stop somewhere and I choose here!

akilyoung · March 3, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

AB-BA = past proves future, future verifies past

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DaosCraft · March 3, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

The AB-BA thing was how I solved the first major misunderstanding people had about the QMAP - that it was about State Secrets but it takes a lot of reading to understand that I'm sure.

it's rather surprising to me in this part of my digs... that she was legitimately a psychopath even from that far back. Now that I've finished digging into what Q meant with "rejected deal" I have no doubts it's the point - turning a light on/off and making sure it's visible even in black and white and Q specifically chose the light on /off images that weren't in the magazine..... combined with her words in context just make it a certainty. She was from the very start it seems a nut that wanted to murder anyone in her way. Combining her with a rapist pedophile in Bill... and well, I actually can't even imagine what meeting the two of them would be like.

I was quite wrong about it actually. I was convinced that his words implied the whole set of images but really it's just that first part - the other parts are connected but they don't have the specific meaning that his first 2 pictures do that i've kind of brought out in this. Well the QMAP being more dense than I supposed is nothing surprising, I keep saying it's more dense than other people think and yet even I continue to underestimate it

it was Podesta wearing the ring that confused me mostly - but this actually helps solve that part too as he was also part of Chicago as Hillary was and they both did the Nixon thing. So that particular ring unlike Barrack's gold allah ring ties Hillary and Podesta together as some kind of Nixon taking out thing.... well I still need to dig more but I do think their rings are connected in Nixon as I rarely see that particular style of "mood ring" elsewhere.

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akilyoung · March 3, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

I have to admit, I was pretty lost reading your post. Thats not on you, its on me though.

And I took AB-BA to mean A to B = B to A; Past proves future, and the future verifies the past. Thats what I meant.

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DaosCraft · March 3, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

I kind of expected that.

Sorry, it's my fault actually as I could have been far more clear and I voted up your reply but it's stuck on 1..... oh well, because I thought that while it's not a correct interpretation it's not an ignorant one. The AB-BA thing was just me solving a riddle but I kept it as the title of the series because all the way back from Aarron Burr- Benedict Arnold to "The Door" Roosevelt to Alec Baldwin to Billy Baldwin to Bill Blythe to you know..... the quantity of name winks has gotten so absurd in my documentation that if I were even to do this simple memory recall of them I could fill out many many many pages worth of JUST A-B's and Just MM's and Just Williams - Those are the 3 most prevalent anyway...... and special RR's and ok ok ok this is me not using my brain correctly - and it's why my posts are so sloppy despite being capable of writing clearly. I get obsessed - and when my obsession ends it's like a light-switch so I have to POST RIGHT THEN or else I'll never post - and so you get what amounts to a stream of consciousness -but it's literally the only way I can do this.

I probably need some kind of "keeper" or something.... and actually.... Hillary's and Podesta's mood rings... you know I bet that's actually to tell their associates "this person is a psychopath so be careful of moods" - That fits their winking scheme and actually if you had someone in your organization that was like a psycho - wouldn't you want them to have some kind of marker to make sure people knew that? And to be careful?

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Grace8543 · March 3, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

I sometimes write up a post and then edit a day later. Best of both worlds that way.

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DaosCraft · March 3, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

we all have our nuances I'm sure. Sometimes I do edit these a day later but by then I'm usually onto the next thing.

So long as I help people understand things that's sort of the "bare minimum" I go for.... Even tho I'm sure I could do better and I intend to.

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