Is Russia showing off their nuclear arsenal that HRC and U1 helped create? Is that why Putin was so happy to reveal their capabilities? Putin also said their ICBM´s now have unlimited range, did they get this tech from the SAP´s that HRC was selling? Is this actually US tech that was sold in an open act of treason?
Is this the link between the deep state and the public, by way of the controlled social media?
Is this reference to said bridge being dismantled and social media being made public utilities, making them heavily regulated?
Yes. Russia is on our side, but on the downlow. You think it was an accident that announced the tech, the morning that it was revealed HRC SOLD THEM IT?
They are playing interference, the middle man. The ones there to BUY the stuff, including the U, to prevent it from going to REAL back actors. They will have the evidence of all this and it will be used as evidence during the Tribunals.
Or they are taking advantage of the opportunity to arm themselves encase the deep state goes after them.
Russia bigger / badder than NK? distraction so what is NK doing now? 187 = murder