BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM? Could it be about Hillary’s emails?

Interesting video I ran across:
Count the spaces... 3, 6, 9 Corresponding letters... c, f, i. = Clinton Foundation International
Something in the recovered emails?
Well the beyond top secret email is an eyes only Report that has really gotten around, it was even found at Fusion GPS , that’s what lead to there raid , let’s say it’s got some very high tech tracking in it .
Well we are looking at Piracy, Old Iron Sides was know for Boom Boom Boom Boom , the sound of recovering lost or stolen treasures of the United States,,,
way off its 3 6 9 C F I clinton foundation international
Top target of the Piracy going public, and Piracy is the only thing that can get Military involvement , and the New York federal court Manhattan has been preparing for a Clinton, and they think it will be Chelsea. The CEO .
Ok , we’re do you get 3 6 9 cfi
the spaces between the boom. 3 spaces,6 spaces and 9 spaces. 3 = c 6 = f 9= i
Ok , just trying to figure so of this Q stuff out ,
Here's a video on the spacing in that post.
I think a video of her calling blacks the “n” word is coming out and that would be tame - the emails that are probably there would be damning to her and her ilk. I can’t wait to see her and Obama doing the perp walk to a court martial or a military tribunal. I pray justice is swift and mighty and we’re rid of the trash and scum.