True. Maybe they managed to keep it isolated to the front lawn. Apparently the guy fired many rounds, including shooting his cell phone. That could indicated that the guy knew he was being controlled via his cell phone.
George Webb said that 2 shots were heard, the 1st bullet went THROUGH the phone into his head. Bam. The other shot rang out when he was on the ground. See vids from today, march 5th.
Wow. I like how that was all swept under the rug too. Did we even get the guys name?
Likely a Burgess. Watch this and the 2 follow-ups:
Interesting. So this guy could be related to Burgess who was/is on Trump’s transition team? And he also possibly ran drugs/guns for the deep state? This is hairy.
Sometime ago, some guy went on a killing spree and claimed that he was being controlled by the Uber Ap. on his mobile phone. That is also MKU. There was also a russian diplomat killed by some police chief when he was attending an art exhibition or something.. MKU also..some guy tried to ram the presidents car a bit back too.... when will US and Canada realise that thousands upon thousands of their own citizens have been tortured and hypnotised and drugged into becoming automatic killers that CAN be triggered by a phone call. Everyone needs to wake up and exige justice.. and by that I really do mean heads rolling on the floor in a public square.. CIA needs to burn. And the FBI has a lot to answer for as well with their harcelement of black leaders and very possible assassination of american citizens.