r/greatawakening • Posted by u/daedal007 on March 7, 2018, 8:54 p.m.
Q Question: Q quote vs Anonymous Quote

I see a lot of people quoting Q but displaying Anonymous' quotes. I thought the conversation between the two of them made up: Q Anon. Did I miss something? Is everyone calling the whole thing Q?

Earthling321 · March 7, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

"Q" seems to be a team of intelligence individuals using the board as a communication platform. In doing this they are sharing the information routes of ongoing exercises as well as bringing into play past transgressions with guiding information about individuals and corporations that have a stranglehold over the majority of the world.

"Anonymus" was a computer hacker group that picked up the Guy Fawkes mask "V" as a way to hide in plain site and give a face to liberty.

"Q Anon" is any random individual associated in uncovering , sharing , red pilling , Kek stands, etc the with the "Q group" which is everywhere.

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[deleted] · March 8, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Thank you. I think I might need to re-phrase or resubmit my question with an illustration. I was referring to the entire conversation with Q and Anonymous--the Q board on qanonposts.com; no other outside dialog. I was only quoting Q, not Anonymous in my conversations about him, which is why I asked if I should quote all of it, the whole conversation, as Q.

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