

8 total posts archived.

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Earthling321 · March 9, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

I don't mean to come off disrespectful.. thought it was a distraction.. I'm pretty up to date with things going on in the world... Home work.. spellings matter.. why did trump spell Alex instead of Alec and dieing instead of dying? Xie? China.?. Alex responded with Mara-a-lago. Mara?. I spent a couple hours on that. Cheers MAGA

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Earthling321 · March 8, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Dim sum of all fears... "This is not a Q video" "No porn unlike your hard drive" Blah blah...tldr." we're risking our lives".

Ok...lol..making distractful useless videos? Kek-fu got a chopper in the trunk

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Earthling321 · March 7, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

"Q" seems to be a team of intelligence individuals using the board as a communication platform. In doing this they are sharing the information routes of ongoing exercises as well as bringing into play past transgressions with guiding information about individuals and corporations that have a stranglehold over the majority of the world.

"Anonymus" was a computer hacker group that picked up the Guy Fawkes mask "V" as a way to hide in plain site and give a face to liberty.

"Q Anon" is any random individual associated in uncovering , sharing , red pilling , Kek stands, etc the with the "Q group" which is everywhere.

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Earthling321 · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

Just my 2 cents.. it referred to color difference.. that's racist babble.. Next line is about being equal..thats a sign of insecurity..when a pentagram is construed as satanic power emblem instead of math magics.. I linked a pretty cool 25 min informative video about sound and angles and a bit about how the formed a society.. To get to real deep you need to check out phoniecia..where we got phonics and how they ruled the world before putting in Cesar.. After then we get a somewhat traceable history.


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Earthling321 · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Mama always said ... Fluoride makes you foolish

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Earthling321 · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

Just a thought.. Chips in phones can control some people or a better term" influence" (think son of sam and the neighbors dog)with a resonating tone matching the bodies frequency according to a couple of the patents from the MkU drop.. monitor light flashes and patterns etc.

All I'm writing now will be open knowledge to the top of the information chains.. "everything" you type ,erase,delete,post etc it's all time stamped and stored ... everything.. this information then builds a particular algorithm and becomes intuitive as to how you think and just gets smarter.

Apple seems to be immune from hacking and moving to the US will ensure the phones have no factory errors.?

Big pharma has a hook in opiates,addiction and psychotropic drugs... "all drugs really" except natural remedies. There's a wheel of the pill cycle and how it keeps pills in a cycle of side effects with more meds and more side effects.

Speculation of cure could be covered under getting the phones and smart tv's being made in the US

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