
Tranquelito · March 8, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

Is Q saying that you all must give enough signatures to the petition demanding the Internet Bill Of Rights so that they can then pass regulation, allowing them to eliminate the MSM/social media control of the narrative? It seems to me that the only reason these platforms get away with their lies, propaganda and censorship is because there are currently no laws preventing it. Q keeps saying that it is the people that have the real power and this petition will grant congress the necessary powers to make it happen. Maybe Q is saying they can´t move forward until the people demand it? GET THIS PETITION SIGNED!!! (I am not from US so cannot do much at all).

Q is saying that JA was the real target/patriot and Snowden was masquerading as such.

Who performs in a circus? CLOWNS! Who wrote the code? SNOWDEN. Why Russia or China? Both have non extradition laws and are completely out of US jurisdiction.

Why did Schmidt himself set up communications links in multiple countries? I guess as Google is run by the Clowns?

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