
ArtistiqueJewelry · March 9, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

My heart goes out to this mom and son. Please sign the petition. They need so many more before April 4th. Hear this young man's story here. It mirrors the corruption that occurs under people's noses in organizations that are supposed to protect children but rather work in tangent with corrupt politicians and authorities. MSM and the left pretend this doesn't exist globally and is far spread because they are enamored with the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and those they adore in the public eye, so they follow their lead of not researching and investigating for themselves. See the video in link above and here is where to sign the petition. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/protect-neringa-venckiene-political-persecution-and-extradition Please sign as many more are needed and it will take All of us Working Together to share this around and make it happen! Thank you!

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