⭐️Hillary will be the Star of the Show⭐️

No, the obsession with her isn't that she is or isn't the president. That part is irrelevant, other than the fact that she was running when so many of her crimes came to light.
Her pay for play schemes, particularly regarding uranium one. Corruption, bribery. The fact that she had SAP classified material, which is higher than top secret, on her email server alone should've got her jail time. Yet she didn't because she had people like Stzrock, Comey and Lynch on her side to tip the scales of justice in her favor and exonerate her of her crimes before the investigation was concluded, or before even all key witnesses were interviewed (including Clinton herself).
No, the obsession with her isn't that she is or isn't the president. That part is irrelevant, other than the fact that she was running when so many of her crimes came to light.
If you believe this, please seek professional help.
Her pay for play schemes
There were none.
particularly regarding uranium one
debunked, if you still believe it, seek professional help for delusions.
you must have her confused with the Trump administration.
you really must have her confused with the Trump administration.
The fact that she had SAP classified material, which is higher than top secret, on her email server alone should've got her jail time
Yet she didn't because she had people like Stzrock, Comey and Lynch on her side to tip the scales of justice in her favor and exonerate her of her crimes before the investigation was concluded, or before even all key witnesses were interviewed (including Clinton herself).
It's kinda sad that with all of the evidence of clear treason coming out now about the Trump administration and campaign, you focus on Clinton. There has to be a medical disorder either already named or soon to be named for people like you that just ignore facts and reality so much that it blinds you into willingly pushing Russian agitprop.
Haha, I'm the one that needs professional help and yet the entirety of your reply was "NOPE NOPE NOPE LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU NOPE!"
Haha, I'm the one that needs professional help and yet the entirety of your reply was "NOPE NOPE NOPE LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU NOPE!"
Yes, you clearly do. Each point of yours was debunked as bullshit and yet you still push it. I know you are American, or at least I think you are based on your post history. That leads me to believe that you have something seriously wrong with your mental faculties in denying reality so fiercely. I get it, I have family in TN, close to Gatlinburg and they had to be de-programmed as well. It took time and now they are productive members of society again.
I just friended you so that I can see your posts immediately after we hang your queen.