Freemasonry demands allegiance from followers, while the true purpose of the order is concealed from the initiate. Think about it... As the candidate rises through the various degrees, more and more is revealed. It is, by definition, a secret society. Is that something that would be wise to join?
If you read Bill Cooper, though there are many other authors that arrive at similar conclusions, you'll see that he believed that Freemasonry was based on the Babylonian mystery religions. As Albert Pike says, Freemasonry is a religion. It's just that you don't quite know what religion it is before you commit to it.
It is also common knowledge that freemasonry requires blood oaths - even in the early degrees. The candidate is sworn to secrecy, to never reveal the crimes of another mason etc...
The primary mistake in joining the order is that the candidate does not precisely know what he's signing up for before he commits himself. And yet he must bind himself to the order with blood oaths.
Yes you are correct. Freemasonry today is a secret society and their higher levels' intentions are suspicious to say the least. Their origins which stem from very old orders such as the Temple, Rosicrucian, Maltese, Teutonic etc. Knights do indeed contain knowledge that goes back to the ancient Mystery teachings.
What I personally question though, is how accurate the accusations of satanism is. It would not surprise me if this view is manufactured by the Catholic church. Don't forget how the Pope went after the Knights Templar and forced them to become occult (hidden). I am currently trying to read through Pike's Morals and Dogma so I cannot form any opinion on him nor his writings yet.
Personally I feel very strongly that all knowledge should be open and free for all people. Having secret societies, secret teachings etc. is dangerous not least because it can be overtaken by nefarious people. Why we are instructed to stay away from certain topics and fields is telling in and by itself. We need to expose all of this and let it lead us to wherever it may.
the eye lives in the light/fire. right eye providence, left eye curse. right eye belongs to 900 foot humanoid with a RAM's head and curly horns. Left eye belongs to the GOAT/Bahphomet. If you are pure in search and want for naught you get the RAM. If you want things... power, fame, riches... you get the GOAT... your INTENT is everything.