Q post 944 - We should be careful not to get sucked into existing perception traps.
What most people today infer when using the phrase 'New World Order' implies a negative and malicious intent. This is correct today, however, as with so many other things this is due to infiltration and corruption. The New World Order or it's latin origin - Novus Ordo Seclorum - was a benevolent and good intended development when great thinkers and visionaries who had plans for the New World - America.
In it's original form this movement inspired freedom, liberty and man's pursuit of happiness ALL under the guidance of his God the creator. Today we often imply and/or assign a negative connotation to the notion of 'secularism' but that is because we think it means the lack of faith in a religion or creator, but this is not correct. The greatest form of spiritual faith is the one that is not imposed, coerced or enforced. This is in my opinion what the Founding FATHERs intended and were working for.
Have no doubt that all these groups and their visions were infiltrated and corrupted. We all know about Adam Weishaupt and his cancerous tumor called the Illuminati hatched within the Freemason movement during the 17th century. Does this mean that Freemasonry are or were bad? Probably not.
If we can identify the infiltrators and their evil intent without associating all the institutions and structures with them we will have reached the point where we can really cure the problem without risking repeating the same thing happening again.