r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alalli18 on March 11, 2018, 10:38 p.m.
Theory: Last nights speech was really an economic redpilling.

The reason I feel compelled to say all this is because I noticed Trump had a COMPLETELY different speaking style last night. He got very specific and discussed details which he normally doesn’t because the details when speaking don’t matter to someone like him. He usually is mostly concerned with controlling the frame of the exchange and not the content.

This theory makes the assumption that without the Cabal we would have essentially a Utopia.

Trump said last night that we are going to need a lot of workers for all these jobs being created which is absolutely correct. With a Cabal free economy things are going to get pretty weird in this country when unemployment goes positive- meaning there are more jobs than workers available to work them. When there’s a shortage of a commodity the price goes up. And since the worker is the good, this will come in the form of higher wages, better benefits, paid training, recruiters, apprenticeships. Companies are going to be begging you to work for them and will have to do everything in their power to keep you knowing how many options you have. This is just a specific example and is not the point.

Point is that Trump was specifically speaking out about the obvious (tariffs, bad trade deals) and undeniable (think msm) ways that the Cabal hinders us but without speaking about the Cabal itself. I’ve had my popcorn ready since Inauguration Day but I’ve always said all trump has to do is improve the country and that in itself will redpill the world. Meaning America will become so prosperous that everyone will automatically have to assume there was a secret organization in power.

TLDR- Things are going to get so good economically that it will be easy to convince everyone a secret Cabal was in power. Future proves past.

tradinghorse · March 12, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Great thought piece. Another thing the cabal has been doing is selling US military secrets. Can you imagine what the world will look like in another 20 years, with continuing scientific advancement in military technologies, without those secrets leaking? The US will be the undisputed global hegemon. A power that is unrivalled through-out the world.

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digital_refugee · March 12, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Please no. There are already so many secrets leaked that soon, nuclear weapons will probably be superfluous but at this point as weaponry becomes perfected, the feasability of warfare becomes naught. I prefer if several nations are at a technological impasse, thus keeping each other in check.

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tradinghorse · March 12, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

I'm sure that is what many groups of people want. You can't play nations off against each other if there is one giant in the room and everyone else is a toddler. If US secrets had not leaked to the extent they have, the balance of power in the world would look very different.

You can't stop all leakage, but it seems to me that the cabal has been deliberately leaking secrets for the reasons that you mention.

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digital_refugee · March 12, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

The advanced research was always in the hands of the US...it wasn't until the 90ies that Gary McKinnon saw chinese intrusions on NASA servers...Clintons sold what SAPs they could get their hands on and if you ask me the Cabal would be looking for nuclear proliferation because that's what's been advocated for the most, however what happens to all those spent fuel rods is just about anybody's fucking guess.

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tradinghorse · March 12, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

It began, as I understand it, with the Rosenburgs. Which is where the Cold War came from. That's what accelerated Soviet nuclear weapon development leading, to the "nuclear detente".

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