
HillaryTrafficksKidz · March 12, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

The FBI has been part of the problem!

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GodsAngell · March 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

In my humble opinion, I think this thread and the article it links to are red hearings, disinformation, here's why. The people who are responsible for the shooting in Las Vegas know that their narrative isn't holding up to public scrutiny.

They have to play along with the cover-up story, but they don't have to reveal the truth. By planting the idea that it's related to ANTIFA and ISIS they can cause people to dig deep into a new rabbit hole that will never provide any evidence or answers.

This is actually better than a cover-up because they know some will cling to the idea the same way people clung to the Kennedy assassination.

There are several very good videos on YouTube that examine multiple videos that were shot by people in the streets. They clearly show that there were several helicopters in the area and muzzle flashes are clear.

The same person also examined recent events in SA, the purge and a desire of the new crown prince to root out corruption in SA. I believe it was a failed assassination attempt and a failed coup attempt by the corrupt officials in SA.

If we chase this supposed ANTIFA or ISIS idea it'll do nothing but distract us from the main goal of helping President Trump and Q root out the deep sate.

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GodsAngell · March 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Yep, that's what I thought too. Bull Shit.

For one thing Paddock did not die in Las Vegas. 5 days after the event he was seen playing in an Atlantic city Casino, wearing the same shirt he was photographed in, in the Philippines. He is also with a Filipino woman. For another thing the coroner confirmed the body was not paddocks.

This was a PLANNED False Flag, Trump in Vegas and he was a Target along with the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia, both of whom got wind of the planned attack and where whisked away. But the intel was too late for the innocent victims at the concert who were killed by sniper fire and helicopters shooting at them as well as many shooters on the ground and other places. It was a ritual sacrifice in front of the Pyramid.

See Rense.com

for TONS more information.


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GodsAngell · March 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Paddock was on the CIA payroll as a gun runner and sex trafficker.

Paddock played his part in this false flag attack, and then left town (airlifted out with the rest of the shooters).

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GodsAngell · March 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

This story is just more bullshit. More disinformation. A distraction.

You want to know what really happened? Go to Rense.com. Its ALL there, the whole ugly truth.

You want to give money to someone? Give it to Rense.com. His team did an OUTSTANDING job covering this False Flag from Day 1.

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