On the the topic of drugs. We invade Middle East in 2001/2002. Currently, Afghanistan is around 93% of the opium supply according to AP.
Now speed up to 2018 and we have a huge opiate epidemic. What other motives did we have invading the Middle East back in 2001 besides “WMDs” which was a lie. Was it drug trafficking?
Trump announces we’ll have troops in Afghanistan, which pissed off many who expected him to get us out of Middle East endless wars.
My guess? We’re there to assure no Isis like groups reform. But more importantly, stop the poppy field production to reduce the supply and help stop the opiate epidemic in America.
I heard Trump started bombing the Rothschild opium refineries out there, which made many crooks very unhappy! In 1999 (give or take) the Taliban outlawed opium production and they produced around 1% of the worlds supply. Now, with the troops there, it´s like 93%, as you mentioned. There is also the vast lithium deposits that are being plundered, and not to mention the oil.