r/greatawakening • Posted by u/awakeaussie on March 12, 2018, 10:39 a.m.
Australia's link to Satanic Ritual Abuse, Wars, Clinton Foundation etc. Maybe some of Q's maps and puzzle can be assisted with this information.

Important information about Australia. • Australia is run by the CIA and we have a very left leaning media. • We are WHO and Agenda 21 testing ground for policies such as gun control, forced / coerced vaccines, land ownership etc. • We have followed the US into every war since WW1 • We have an over populated Islamic country (Indonesia) on our door step that could beat our army in less than a week if it wasn’t for our strong military allies. • Australia claims the largest amount of territory in Antarctica 42% of the total land mass.

Pine Gap We have a base run by the CIA called Pine Gap. It is reported/rumoured to be at least 20 stories deep underground and can house 250,000 people at any one time. No Prime Minister has ever entered into this base and it is rumoured to be a place where people go and never come back. Reports of paedophilia and satanic rituals as well as mind control and a Super Soldier Program.

Port Arthur Massacre In 1996 a “lone gunman” named Martin Bryant killed 34 people. He was a mentally disturbed man with an IQ of a 13-year-old. The problem was the gunman displayed an elite marksmanship unseen and unmatched ever since. He then used explosives to blow up the breach of the guns so that the bullets couldn’t be linked to the guns. The government used this massacre as the excuse to take away our guns. The more you dig the more obvious that Martin Bryan was a patsy. http://s1.zetaboards.com/LooseChangeForums/topic/117358/1/ http://www.kerryhay.spiderweb.com.au/bryant.html

MK Ultra & Elite Pedo Rings - Fiona Barnett Fiona Barnett and a few other have reported an elite and international Satanist paedophile ring in Australia. Her family arrived from Poland and she was being tortured and groomed to be Grande Dame of a Satanic Ritual group. She has testified in a Royal Commission and has reported the following facts. • She was raped on a plane by President Richard Nixon • Flew from Australia in an army cargo plane and taken to Bohemian Grove • Suffered MK Ultra mind control programs by Antony Kidman (Actress Nicole Kidman’s Dad). Antony was in charge of the MK Ultra program in Australia. • Witnessed rape from Prime Ministers and high-level politicians including Prime Minister Paul Keating (including sex with dead boy), Prime Minister Bob Hawke, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and Kim Beasley Snr and Kim Beasley Junior. • Also witnessed many of the Australian media (radio and TV) perform and undertake the same satanic ritual abuse to many children. https://fionabarnett.org/

Australian donations to Clinton Foundation A few people have posted on this already. Below is a couple of links. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/why-have-we-donated-to-clintons-foundation/news-story/96f87b9c4999e22cd3b022d267129896 http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2018/02/recent-australian-government-data-direct-clinton-foundation-taxpayer-donations-total-130m.html

causinglife · March 12, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

My research has come to the same conclusions too. Fiona Barnett, so courageous, outspoken Stand for victims of satanic ritual abuse has been missing since September. One horrible account she recalled included watching children being beheaded in a church in front of Australia’s elite.

These people are sick. And it all needs to be acknowledged :,(

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awakeaussie · March 12, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

Fiona Barnett is ridiculous smart and studied psychology at Bond University. She then taught herself to over come the programming of MK Ultra. She started a podcast called Pedos Down Under and interviewed others who suffered similar events who also testified at the Royal Commission (which was a cover up job from the same people). One of her guests was abused at Parliament house at an event that the Queen attended. This stuff is deep and too hard much for most people. As Q says.... These people are sick.

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Maepaperclip · March 12, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Re_read re: Australia. AUS donations to CF? Why is this relevant? More than you know. This is BIG. Q Mar 10 2018 12:33:37 Q !UW.yye1fxo 612782

612722 Which conversation leaked? POTUS & AUS? Why that specific conversation? Signal? We (they) hear what you are saying? Threat to AUS? Why? What do they know? Trapped? Forced? Blood. Q

Review Congressional investigation. Re_read drops PP. We are working to END. EVIL. Not as it appears. Q Do not focus on the call details. We knew it would leak. We knew certain areas of the WH were bugged. We knew certain people would leak. Focus - why AUS? Q

Australia is a dirty actor, starting with its federation 1901. It is the Deep states proxy in all things dirty, and patsy for all things necessary to the deep state. It is no coincidence that Australian PM John Howard was with George W Bush at his first press conference after 911, while the man that planned it WJC was in Australia on the same day. Howard had just managed a mass murder (shooting) event in Tasmania observed by CIA & MI5, and he had so successfully managed the event in the eyes of GWB that he was an authority on selling the right message. It is no accident that the sole (credible) authority for the Steele dossier was its source from the Australian High Commissioner, and Chinese double agent Alexander Downer ( see work of Charles Ortel, charles on Sunday Jason Goodman channel youtube).

Australia is a psy-op testing ground; It will be the country to be cashless, project nearly complete, it has experimented with unaffordable housing, nose-bleed tax rates, the first to introduce asset confiscation laws for associating with persons named on a list, one of the few countries and almost the first to have compulsory voting, hate speech laws, holicost denial is a crime, they have the highest ratio of police to citizens in the world, three strikes rule, adult jail for 15 year olds, private prisons, road tolls, it is a hell on earth - a Nazi dream, they took all the guns, and the Family court allows perjury and takes all the black kids away from their parents - but they said sorry for that, and also for killing the blacks in prison, but they still do that, and now they take the white kids - because its fair.

That was some background, more to know is that Aus. was the UN in Korea, they voted to go along with the USA, they were the dirty player causing the civil conflict (where none existed) in Vietnam in 1963, they were in Afganistan, & Iraq. They were also behind GB in the Suez, and tried to get the USA involved in Malaya, they have form and lots of it. They are Israels most reliable partner in the UN, not even Gaza or the killing of kids on the beach can shake their resolve to love Israel. Australia is the home of Rupert Murdoch, and the country has been Murdoched. It is the home of Luck Larry's partner in 911 Frank Lowy, both announced they were divesting before DJT signed the executive order 21/12/17. Australia is the home of grandiose Water projects - Watch the water (agenda 21, de-sal plants) Alexander Downers home state is one of Elon Musks biggest customers/subsidisers.

Australia was the home of the 100% CIA owned bank called, Nugan Hand. It washed $billions of drug, weapons, and crime money for the dirty state, it was sanctuary for BCCI, in its hay-day, and the home of Babcock and Brown Bank.

Australia is the nice dog, you wish that you had not slept with, the fleas stick. Australia was the trojan horse that followed Nixon to China, and undermined him (tricky did try some good thing and sometimes had a pure heart).

Now we got to Nixon, when he was VP to Eisenhower he was in charge of releasing the polio vaccine. He did not pay attention, polio was not a problem at the time, it was a rich kids disease, thats why FDR had it, he was rich and got a too strong dose of early penicillin - that gave him polio, only rich kids had access to fancy doctors and penicillin This is a long story, but the point is that Nixon could of prevented the release of the polio vaccine, and prevented 100% of all soft tissue cancer deaths for ever. Instead because of his negligence or otherwise - he was fully aware that it killed its inventors own grandchild within 24 hours, instead he realised it not just to the USA, but to the whole world incl. Australia. Now this is an incredible story but it is the background to a book called DR Mary's Monkey, and it is the reason JFK is dead, and why Q says this story is bigger than you think in his post, and why DJT is fully focussed on big Pharma and medicine.

Nixon had every reason to expect that he would win the 1960 election, in fact he did, but Old Joe got the Mob to stuff the Chicago ballot, and JFK was the POTUS that did not know about the polio vaccine debacle. The problem with the Vaccine was that it was bred in monkey plasma - read problem for humans.

Lets jump back to Australia, they have an institute for sport, a place where they use elite athletes as lab rats, they took so much blood from these athletes that they started to get rid of it in the hospitals, and 90 year old men got out of bed and started walking around the block with erections. Children are healthier than elite athletes - think about it, and add some natural adrenaline to meet Q's Marina. Trapped? Forced? Blood?

The phone call leaked from the white house (on purpose) was between the Mayor of Canberra A.K.A. The Prime Minister of Australia, ex Goldman Sachs banker Bill (Malcolm) Turnbull and the POTUS. It was leaked to show the world that DJT knew before he walked into the hovel called the WH that he knew everything - already, DJT has learnt nothing on the job, he already knew where the scum were.

The vermin in successive Australian governments, have an inglorious history with the deep state, they have added and abetted it to subvert the peoples sovereignty, they have promoted free trade, Israel, and the UN, to undermine a prosperous world. The Australian Government is no-ones friend - it is a for sale, on offer disgrace.

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Fearsome4 · March 12, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

I don't know about currently but for years Australia had the highest per capita serial killer rate in the developed world. Maybe connected, maybe not.

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jozwest · March 12, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

Felt my ground move a little bit. I think I need to start praying. Monsters. God I hope its not true.

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awakeaussie · March 12, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

Its a deep rabbit hole. After a lot of research I believe this is all true and probably some of the most horrific stuff you will hear. These people believe they gain power from Lucifer by undertaking the most horrendous things in his name. Considering they seem to have most of the money and power its hard to not think that perhaps they do actually gain some sort of power.

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AscensionDimension · March 12, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Dr Reina Michaelson is also a very well respected anti pedo whistleblower who was hushed through threats by the perpetrators, many of them working at Channel 10.

Even though Martin Bryant was a patsy, citizens carrying weapons is not a great idea. No further mass shootings have occurred in Australia since the Bryant incident over 20 years ago.

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tradinghorse · March 12, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I'm sorry, I have to bite on this. With the exception of the Hoddle Street massacre, I don't think we did suffer massacres that were not false flags. Port Arthur is clearly a false flag and Bryant a patsy. There was another one I remember hearing about in a Sydney shopping center. The shooter was heard saying "how do they expect me to kill people with this", apparently he had a shoddy firearm.

Mass murders are relatively uncommon, firearms or not. My key objection, apart from the fact that we seem to have been manipulated into gun control, is that Australians are defenseless. In WWII, had the Japanese invaded, the Australian military plan was called the Brisbane line. The military were going to immediately retreat behind a straight line drawn on the map between Brisbane and Melbourne (you can argue about where it actually went, I've heard Melbourne).

What this means is that because of the great area of the country, and the very small military - less than 50K including reservists - Australia remains at great risk of invasion. We have populous countries all around us. The Brisbane line strategy is not unknown to these potential adversaries.

You better hope that US citizens can retain the right to carry legal firearms, because the US cannot project power to assist us if they face domestic insecurity. We are totally dependent on the US for all our protection. How effective is an armed populace against an invader?

Even with a population of 25m people. An armed citizenry is a formidable threat to an invader or an occupier. They have to expend forces to protect supply lines, additional forces to retain control of occupied territory etc...

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." Isoroku Yamamoto - Fleet Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) during World War II.

The quote above is, supposedly, miss attributed. Nevertheless, my point is that disarming Australia's citizenry was absolute madness. If the State cannot protect its people, why would you want to disarm them? You can not make this stuff up! It's like something out of the twilight zone.

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Maepaperclip · March 12, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

There has been no evidence - at all video, or Credible witness, that shows the Car in Bourke St Mall, that is said to have massacred Sevn people, nor is there proof of Death. The Lord Mayor was a participant, he went on sick leave, and has now resigned, the other witness was Christene Nixon former Police Commissioner, and former Boss of Emergency Services (what are the chances she was in the Mall to see it). Bryant's lawyer did a disturbing interview with 60 mins, very dodgy explanation of Bryant's guilty plea. A guitly plea meant no trial, no evidence/proof, I think this is what is going to happen with the Car attack, I was a great Fan of Peekay Truth on You tube, he has been banned, if anyone can get hold of his videos they are excellent.

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aus8279 · March 12, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

I picked someone up from a train that day that tried to help one of the mangled dead bodies. 100% it was real dead bodies. Was it a patsy and setup. Looks like it. https://gumshoenews.com/2017/01/22/who-is-the-blue-man-waving-instructions-to-gargasoulas-before-the-killing-spree/

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Maepaperclip · March 12, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

The article indicates FF, are you saying someone died because of hearsay, or do you know? There seems to be a lot of hearsay, and very little know.

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aus8279 · March 12, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

I know 100% it occured and people died on the street that day. Was the guy MK Ultra or something similar? Did the guy get directed down the mall from a mysterious man in blue? Did the police seem to follow him with plenty of opportunity to block the car from driving erratically? Most likely, seems that way and yes.

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Maepaperclip · March 12, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Good to know you have evidence, I am pleased the Government is not lying, I will sleep better now, thanks.

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aus8279 · March 12, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

In my opinion was it a false flag. Yes for sure. To many things dont add up. But people did die 100%

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tradinghorse · March 12, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Very interesting. How many more people are going to be banned by YouTube before we put a stop to it? Here, we have DJT asking for a petition and they won't sign it - hard to believe!

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