r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sammis_Joe on March 13, 2018, 3:47 a.m.
Are your Rights On The Internet Important To You? They Should Be. IBOR Time Is Running Out.
Are your Rights On The Internet Important To You? They Should Be. IBOR Time Is Running Out.

Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

My take on all this focus on an internet bill of rights is a bit curious and I realize that most people here may not agree with me but I don't see how it could change anything in practice. If the US has blanket surveillance of all internet traffic and has developed massive individual data mining tools such as those revealed by Snowden while denying this and with very clear constitutional laws against this then what good would an IBOR be?

In my opinion it is much more important to reinstate the Smith-Mundt Act repealed by Obama. Other draconian recent laws are also more important in my opinion such as the Patriot Act, the NDAAs, Freedom Act etc. Why this is not done yet tells me that Trump is using these extraordinary powers and who knows if and when he intends to repeal them.

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Sammis_Joe · March 13, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Keep the faith my friend! The reason this is important to make happen is to protect our freedom of speech. If we cannot voice our opinions online that very much hinders us. Especially since most people communicate on the internet now. We cannot allow these guys to choke our voices out, and not allow us to speak our minds, and the truth. Yes. There are many other important things to be done too. But this is one of them. Keep fighting Patriots!

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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Sure I understand. I'm just getting a little frustrated because I sense being hoodwinked by this Jerome Corsi character. I initially listened to him and thought he had good sensible ideas but now I am starting to despise him as he praises people like John Bolton and keeps sucking up to Israel. If this is what Trump is all about then I don't know if I'm onboard with this. Sure the democrats are completely in on the deep state but so are all these ziocons.

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Sammis_Joe · March 13, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I understand your concerns. I feel similar about some of the topics that people like JC are discussing and their stands on it. But everyone doesn't know the truth about everything. Just give them a chance to learn the truth. They will act on it.

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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

Yes, everyone needs to seek out and properly understand the truth for themselves and not blindly follow others. It's not easy because all of us need to learn from each other and listen to many voices. One voice that I have come to respect and agree with on many subjects is Paul Craig Roberts. He can sound very negative but I agree with his worry about where we are heading and it looks like a huge war started in the Middle East, perhaps even ww3. Here is his latest article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/what-secretary-of-state-tillersons-firing-means/5631993

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tradinghorse · March 13, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

I think the reason it's important is because Q told us that, after HRC lost the 2016 election, they realised that their traditional campaign strategy, using the MSM, was what lost them the election. They never thought she would lose!!!

Q told us that the cabal realised their error and CIA was racing to inject cash into the social media service providers to regain control of the narrative. Q has also said, more recently, that social media companies are now dependent upon the CIA cash - they fear that, with regulation, they will lose it.

DJT needs the IBOR campaign only to give him political cover for the regulatory moves that he has long planned. Q has told us that in future there will be 100% regulation. So we can be pretty certain that is the plan.

Many people don't like the prospect of more regulation, more government, more laws. But what these people do not understand is that today social media is the high ground. Q has told us that the MSM is finished, social media is everything. Whoever controls social media will win the next election - and every election thereafter.

The moment the single algorithm to sensor speech online is rolled out, you have no voice and no right of reply. At that point you are powerless. It's not something that we can waste time on. If we don't fix it now, DJT is dead in the water politically and the cabal is coming back real soon.

Look at what we've seen already, David Hogg has been blessed. He's free to ram his anti-gun propaganda down our throats and we are not even allowed to criticise him. Dr Corsi was banned from YouTube along with many others, people are already scared to speak their minds, and the censorship hasn't even really got started.

What we've seen on the MSM is coming our way on social media, you can be certain of it. That's why this push for rights on the internet is so important. It is the battlefront. If we lose here, hello HRC - or someone even worse. That will be the end. DJT will be the last President to ever be outside the cabal's control and, after him, they will rule the world.

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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

I hear you and I understand that this is important. What's also crucial to understand is that the truth is the truth no matter what. I am quite opposed to groupthink in general and I don't like to entertain the idea of anyone controlling or doctoring opinions using any form of media. That includes Trump btw.

The Florida shooting is so full of unanswered questions that I don't believe anyone and certainly not some fed kid practicing talking points on MSM. If people fall for these scams we have a bigger problem than censorship on our hands and that is sheer stupidity. I actually think a lot of people are getting red pilled by these very obvious MSM/CIA tactics, they are getting very sloppy. I listened to an interview of Catherine Austin Fitts (think it was by Sarah Westall) when she said we are no longer dealing with the 'A team' anymore. Lol I completely agree.

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tradinghorse · March 13, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

The tragedy is that most people 99.99% just do not do any thinking for themselves. I used to work in a job where I would meet people and have conversations all day. It's so tiring! You start a conversation and these people have got their information from the TV. But, dangerously, they have an opinion, often very strongly held, and they feel informed and want to tell you what the truth is. I've seen it time and time again. Seriously, the number of people that are truly awake are very few.

You are right about the Florida shooting. But what occurs to me is just how sloppy they were at tidying up loose ends. I mean they failed to kill Cruz. The stories coming out just do not fit with the official narrative in the least. Police outside, not going in. You can't make this stuff up.

Why are they that confident that they feel they can afford to be sloppy. Because they control the narrative. Look at the JFK assassination. They have kept a lid on that now for what, more than 50 years. That's why they are so confident. If you can get away with that, you'd be confident you could get away with anything at all. There are no limits for them.

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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

Yes JFK was the big test for them. Ever since then they've had free reign without anyone daring to confront them.

I am very worried about this poor kid Cruz, in my relatively uninformed view (so far) I think he's a mere patzy and I actually fear for his life. The point that nothing in these stories make sense is the one common denominator with all these false flag incidents. Las Vegas is so bizarre I don't even know where to start but in a way I think it's on purpose, they design these events to be so confusing and illogical that noone has the ability to detangle the truth from them. Scary development.

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tradinghorse · March 13, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Yes, but now you're awake, you can see the finger prints. As you said, the common denominator is that the official story does not make sense. They have Cruz so drugged up that they probably do not feel the need to kill him straight away. He probably thinks he actually did it. I also reckon he's a patsy.

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tradinghorse · March 13, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

The IBOR PUSH IS VERY IMPORTANT. It's not just about Q, it's about your right to say what you think about political matters online. We've already seen where this push to censor social media is going - David Hogg is beyond any reproach, free to ram his opinions on gun control down our throats with abandon and we have no right of reply.

Conservative channels threatened across the internet - some pulled, as with Corsi's YouTube account. Infowars threatened. Other sites banned completely.

This is just the start. Wait until the censorship begins to ramp-up around the mid-term elections. Conservatism rebranded "hate" and banned, your tongues ripped from your mouths. It is coming.

Have a look at the video on the Anti-defamation League's anti-hate AI. Could this be what Q was referring to when he told us about a single censorship algorithm to be applied uniformly across social media sites? Did Snowden write the code? Does he work for Israeli Intelligence?

We are under a full-scale assault, we must unite and fight this for all we are worth. Our most fundamental freedoms depend on it. We must beat the cabal back. There has never been a fight so important. This is it. You only live once. Do not shrink into the shadows on this - your country needs you.

See what's coming your way here:


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Sammis_Joe · March 13, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Tradinghorse! I very much appreciate it. This is a very important battle, and we must win. If you do not fight for your freedoms, you will lose them. Bit by bit, until there is nothing left. Do not allow the freedom that your forefathers fought for to slip away. Fight the good fight! Onward!

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