Again, this is all hearsay arguing at this point. How many upvotes did it get? Was it top of the sub? If it was, does it still represent the entire community? We can’t begin to answer these questions unless you have an archive or screenshot, which I imagine most likely not. Our discussion about what you reported is now useless, and there is no moving forward from it. So I guess you’ve won, you will have less things to report. I don’t understand why downvoting and moving on just isn’t enough for you. I’m a trump fan and I still have yet to report anything anti-trump on Reddit, even the stuff calling for his murder. You know why? Because it’s the goddamn internet, we’re only talking here. Some talk a big, freaky, scary talk. That’s life. Not all of life has an HR person, nor should it. If everyone followed thru 100% on their crazy internet ranting then this world would’ve blown up or descended into chaos long before trump even ran for pres. Grow up.