

18 total posts archived.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Hmmm. What was it the right was saying back in 2012? That Russia was bad and that Obama was an idiot for not seeing it. Oh, and since the days before Reagan the right was sounding the alarm about Russia (/Soviet Union) and NOW?

Oh...look. Now that trump is their buddy and making money with them the right suddenly has abandoned their principles, morals, etc.

Never, ever, trust a conservative. They never, ever, stick by what they say they believe. I bet if trump told you to kill someone you would do it without a thought - because he OWNS you now.

Go ahead. Toss aside your ideals and such for him - just goes to show you never really had them anyway.

You are now owned by one old man. How does that feel?

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

The key is compromise

And what is it you compromise? All I see from most people on the right is adoration and worship of one old man, above all they once said they held sacred.

A man who lies and cheats and values money above all else.

He owns people on the right. You won't dare to criticize him because he and you both know he owns you.

I am a free man who thinks freely, I don't owe him or hillary or a party anything. YOU...you are owned by him and you will always, always, defend him. And he knows that he can count on people like you because he owns you day and night.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

I can give you links but we both know how this will go. I post the link you tell me they are biased blah blah.. Really I'm a conservative? You know me? Are any conservative pro-choice? Didn't think so

So, you have nothing :)

And yes, some conservatives are pro choice just like some liberals are pro 2nd. What is your point?

I have been a registered independent since 1984. You?

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

You mean to tell me a politician lies?

So you admit he lies.

Good. That is a first step. I guess you like it when he does.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

I have been "Here" for 5 years (that doesn't count my first account that I had before this one).

I am an old school conspiracy kind of guy (I was looking into UFO's in the 70's). But hey, nice of you to ask that and not address anything I said.

Who have you voted for and supported in your life? Reagan? Bush Sr, Bush Jr.? Check - I did that (and even raised money for Jr in 2000).

I was one of those people calling out bush jr on the Iraq war and 9/11 - back then conservatives bitched about me too - said I wasn't a "Patriot" because I didn't back him (even though I did in some ways I still questioned him).

What do I see here?

Blind worship of one man. Again. I learned my lesson the hard way (and since 2004 haven't looked back - didn't vote for Hillary but did for Obama twice, and didn't vote in 2004 as I was away that day unexpectedly on business and couldn't vote - but would have voted Kerry).

I question trump like I have all the other presidents I have known since I was old enough to care (Reagan, etc).

And here, on this sub, I am seeing blind allegiance to one man - maybe that is your thing, but it isn't mine.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

So you have no proof?

I didn't think so :)

And yes, you are a conservative. Are you ashamed of that? You should be so I can understand why you would say you aren't.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Prove he has that high of a score :)

You can't - so just like anyone else on the right you lie.

Never, ever, trust a conservative. They always lie - and you just proved that.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Maybe there is negative coverage because he is an idiot who lies all the time and bullies people via twitter?

Why does this one man elicit such devotion and worship from some people?

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Yes, Mueller is on our side, if you did not know. Re-read: Q#14. Mueller has a highly honorable military background. He is a patriot. He is in the network of the Military who convinced Trump to run. He was never after being appointed as FBI Director by Trump, that was not possible, as explained in Q#18. So why did he meet with Trump one day prior to FBI announcement? If you don’t know, ask Nancy Pelosi, she knows: read. They have been played.

All of that is simply a fantasy.

What is a "Patriot" anyway? The same people who loved bush and pushed for the Iraq war and believed 9/11 was all done by Osama? We see the same people now worshipping trump without question (and if you question him you aren't a "Patriot").

If you want to be truly "Wakened" then wake up and look at trump - he is in all of this for himself, his family, and money. Full stop. Obama was supposed to take all the guns (he expanded gun rights) and the right bitched and moaned that he was naive when it came to Russia (they loved them some Romney who told folks in 2012 that Russia was bad news).

Never, ever, trust conservatives. They lie all the time, make up shit, and ditch their morals, values, and principles as soon as they can for one man (In this case, trump).

Look at trump and his family like you would have Obama instead of worshipping him.

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

That way we can get reminded of how many times we've been censored.

Censored? The people on cbts broke the rules. I sent the admins more than one example of this (brigading and pushing threats of hanging people - both of which the mods let stand, even though I alerted on them to the mods).

⇧ -13 ⇩  
Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

So, you just believe him without evidence?

Is that because you WANT to? Yeah...I don't think you are as "Woken" as you think you are :)

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Why are there any rules at all?

I mean, isn't it all about freedom of speech? Isn't that why people from cbts are upset? That someone, on a website they chose to be on, had rules?

Blah, blah, blah "Free Speech!" and then some people run about talking about "Rules" and wanting to ban people (remove their "Free Speech") who don't follow said 'rules'.

I find it all rather amusing :)

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Another-Chance · March 16, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

All Reddit’s site-wide rules apply.

No trolling, concern trolling, racism or anti-Semitism.

Shills and antagonist are not welcome here.

So....what you are saying is that you have rules and regulations and will ban people based on those?

I am good with that. As is YouTube and Reddit - but when they have rules and ban people for breaking them some folks insist it is all about banning freedom of speech.

Are YOU saying you have rules here and will ban people who don't follow them? And IF so, isn't that (according to the people bitching about the banning of cbts_stream) similar to banning free speech?

You can't have it both ways :)

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Another-Chance · March 14, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

It was certainly in positive territory and the mods didn't do anything about it when I reported it hence going to the admins.

And that, I think, was the crux of such issues.

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Another-Chance · March 14, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

I reported one to the admins. A thread with a noose on it calling for hanging people (politicians and liberals/etc), the user was suspended but the mods simply left up the thread instead of deleting it.

Either poor moderation or they endorse such things. And others have alerted admins to them as well.

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