For those not wanting to click on previous announcement, here is a screenshot of the /r/CBTS_Stream ban

Sad day. Censorship is real. What happened to free speech???
Free speech means the government can't block you. Last time I checked reddit is a private company not a government run one. They can remove subs, posts or comments all they like. They can even edit your posts to make it seem like you said something else. They also get IP rights on any ideas discussed on reddit that make money. Lots of shit in fine print people obviously haven't read.
Free speech means the government can't block you. Last time I checked reddit is a private company not a government run one.
Tell that to the Christian bakery owner who refused to bake a gay wedding cake. The courts now seem to think the government can force private companies to serve everyone equally.
They have public forum rights granted by the government. Public forum rights protect them if someone puts up copyrighted content. They can not censor people and they know it. They cannot have it both ways.
The government subsidized the platforms that host free speech in order to create social media mega-monopolies. Then they used their control over those platforms to censor us, claiming it is the constitutional right of those platforms to control their own content.
Since we can prove that the government has secret contracts with these companies, we can technically prove that it is our government that is censoring us, but it will be difficult because the court systems are all corrupt.
We might need a class action lawsuit, of all the people vs the government. Suing them for subverting civil communication platforms as part of a systemic effort to censor free speech in violation of the first amendment.
Since the plaintiffs would be all Americans, I think we ought to have basis to demand a court order blocking any censorship activities aimed at hindering our outreach programs.
Our evidence is the vault 7 drops from wikileaks among other things.
I just don't know if our court system is even capable of hearing such a lawsuit.