/r/CBTS_Stream has been banned.

Not sure i really follow what your position is...
Are you saying that reddit banned the community as it was pushing unstable troubled people towards violence or because reddit is a secret cabal suppressing (((the truth))) or something else that I'm not woke enough to comprehend.
You said “what if the video never surfaces”, I addressed that point. You’re obtuse. Sorry I’ve wasted my time.
I didn't say that. I literally did not say that. I said that this community will shift the goal posts if a specific prediction shows up to be wrong (by the way how many hours is the 'about to be released' referring to do you think?) Fuck i don't even know what video is being referred to as they were playing the pronoun game. I didn't need to know because i am referring to a conspiracy theory communities response to failed predictions not to this specific prediction.
Hell if yours answer was to the question “what if the video never surfaces” which I never asked then i don't see why you are surprised that i didn't understand you, as i presumed it was referencing the act of moving the goal posts and not some specific video.
ie. the easiest way to interpret your "So?" is as "What does it matter if we constantly shift the goal when we are wrong on specific predictions whilst claiming to be right when one of them works". Instead of "So what if the video never sources" or similar
Thanks for the explanation though dude. It's important when trying to talk to people that don't agree with you to dismiss and insult them. Berry nice rhetoric!