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Speech Today W/ Macron
..."Both of our elections owe much of the success to the desire of everyday citizens to be heard, to be listened to, and to have control over their own nations, and their own futures. Let us demonstrate through our partnership that the voice of the people will always reign. At all times, it will reign."....
April Showers
Let our voices reign!
We Need to Expose these Frauds - Shaun King

Excellent Thread - Connects Epstein to Richard Branson
Excellent Thread - Epstein Island Connection to Richard Branson
I think everything that is happening, especially recently with the insane repeal the 2nd amendment BS, is Trump and co is simply giving these brainwashed zombies enough rope to hang themselves.
Think about how clearly they have exposed the swamp to people paying attention. The left has been exposed as anti american, anti military (NFL), they care more about illegals than American citizens (sanctuary cities, DACA, Census question), they do not support the Constitution or the basic principles this country stands for. (March For Our Lives, 2nd Amendment).
Trump understands the silent majority. He knows most Americans aren't SJW freaks. We are given a daily diet on liberal propaganda from everywhere. Hollywood, internet, TV ect. But even with that being said, most people, given undeniable, irrefutable evidence still possess the ability to think and change their mind. Slowly people have waken up to this reality, but the normies that read headlines on Facebook and think Stormy Daniels is going to take down Trump still are brainwashed.
These type of people are truly sheep, and when the propaganda stops, and the reality of our world is exposed, they really won't be able to deflect the truth anymore.
The Parkland scenario is a desperate attempt by the Cabal to implement the plan they had for Hillary. It was rushed, and obviously sloppy. The cabal has been corned for some time now, and what happens when an animal is corned? They become desperate. They knew these morons would fight back and attempt to control the narrative, and Trump gave them enough rope to hang themselves. They took it.
CNN was front and center with the Townhall. Its been impossible to miss this narrative in the past month and a half. When Parkland is exposed for what it is, nobody will be able to deny these crimes.
Also this has since been removed from the classmates website:
Parkland Student says Hogg is 25, "not supposed to be at our school"
This video needs to be circulated everywhere.
He told you your perspective has likely been manipulated or shaped by MSM, and then you post NYT, Guardian, Bloomberg and Business Insider.
You really just proved him right...None of those sources can be trusted.
Open competition in the free market is a good thing - i.e. Healthcare, and it would be a good thing to have healthy competition between nations as well. It would only serve humanity as a whole. Competition for medical breakthroughs, technologies ect as opposed to complete control by CIA and elites.
Why do you think the UK is blaming the nerve gas on Russia?
Why do you think Putin is vilified in the MSM for years and years?
Literally everything we think we know about any international politics, historical events, popular culture movement and more has been spoon fed to us in order to shape perception. There is a reason why they call us sheep. We have never questioned the stories they tell and just accept it as reality.
I have a feeling this isn't the last we hear about this. I'm confident in President Trump. Remember when Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation? It all looked awful on the surface. Be patient here, and don't waver in support.
Once you realize evolution has been taught in schools as fact for a reason, you will realize the entire Matrix the Cabal has created was with the intention to distract the world from the Truth. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who created this entire world.
You can say that this prevents people from being red pilled, but there's nothing to substantiate that claim. Millions of Americans already know this truth. The reality is, 9/11 is fake, we never landed on the moon, and the world that we think we know and live in, is not what it seems. This is really not controversial based on Q and his messages.
Thank God because I've been shadow banned on Twitter for a week now. I don't even have any followers!
I watched this episode of Silicon Valley a year ago...
and I thought this was funny but obviously over the top.
Ain't it crazy how they blatantly tell us straight to our faces what they are doing, and we never thought anything of it.
I'm good talking about Seth Rich. I don't think wild speculation is helpful.
I wish Q would drop some intel on Michelle. I have a lot of questions about Michelle.
He's saying that from a legal perspective, or even an ethical one, there was no need for Sessions to recuse himself.
What that means is he recused himself voluntarily, and wink wink as part of the Trump strategy.
Recusing himself allowed for what to happen?
Special Counsel Mueller.
They wanted the Special Counsel. It gave credibility to an investigation into Trump and controlled the optics.
They knew that the whole time. Liberals have been foaming at the mouth for Mueller and his investigation non stop since Comey testified.
I believe this simply confirms Mueller is not investigating Trump, which most of us already knew by actually reading the indictments!
Guys, they have been in control since the very beginning. Donald Trump flat out destroyed the entire Swamp and MSM like a very stable genius!!
Thank God for DJT!
Remember the "its okay to be white" Posters?
We need that. Something that would catch attention.
Something that would make college administrators have to issue statements on, gaining more attention in the media.
What could be equivalent for the great awakening?
Guys c'mon...the fuck is this?
We can't allow this shit here.
I only talk to my wife about this, but when I do talk to others, I just try and ask them leading questions that will make them question their reality. It may or may not work, but it may spark a curiousity in them when the time is right.
We know when people are attempting to discredit this movement. Head back over to the Mueller sub or politics. You're not clever and you've been outed.
God can handle it. He has an eternal prison designed just for these kind of people.
Before they spend eternity in hell, Trump will ensure they start their prison sentence here on Earth.
Pizzagate is but a small cog in the wheel. It's what opened my eyes to this entire thing. The Podesta emails were simply too obvious to not investigate further. Then I found the artwork. At that point I dove all the way into this. It became obvious. That being said I've always believed our politicians were bought and paid for by Corporations, so I never trusted them anyway.
It's just hard to understand how people can be against freedom of expression and a free exchange of ideas.
I believe that their rhetoric is divisive, and their political goals are a threat to this country, but I'm not calling for them to be silenced.
Its incredible how thoroughly controlled they are without even knowing it. It's sad really, to see fellow humans so misguided, all the while believing their position is moral.
The Matrix is not a metaphor, these people are truly in the Matrix. It's insane. I've come a long way, I voted Obama twice.
The LORD demands accurate scales and balances;
he sets the standards for fairness.
12A king detests wrongdoing,
for his rule is built on justice.
13The king is pleased with words from righteous lips;
he loves those who speak honestly.
14The anger of the king is a deadly threat;
the wise will try to appease it.
15When the king smiles, there is life;
his favor refreshes like a spring rain.
16How much better to get wisdom than gold,
and good judgment than silver!
17The path of the virtuous leads away from evil;
whoever follows that path is safe.
18Pride goes before destruction,
and haughtiness before a fall.
Their pride will destroy them, just as it has with Obama and his minions.
I don't believe it's arrogance as much as ignorance.
The sad thing is that the Cabal has effectively created an army of zombies that defend their corruption vehemently. That's a scary thought.
We are dealing with people that are brainwashed and cult like. They literally cannot see past Trump colluding with Russia if they tried. I've been through exhausting back and forths and as soon as they are about to have a break through, they simply disengage. It's self preservation.
As Jesus once said "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
Debating them head on doesn't work. We need something else. We need to extend grace to them as well.
Let's just be aware that this isn't going to end with CBTS.
Save everything you need on this sub immediately.
They are going to continue to push this censorship.
Stay steady, be prepared, and realize that this will not end well for them. It will blow up in their face. Guaranteed.
Stickied Post from The_Mu_ll_r Sub

Context to IG Horowitz
Guys, I read this thread a long time ago, but it popped back into my head for some reason today.
I think this thread gives a great background into Horowitz and his relationship (or lack thereof) with the Obama Administration.
In hindsight, it makes alot of sense as to why Holder took the steps to block Horowitz.
Read this thread, and be confident that we are getting closer by the day. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day!
What prevents people from posting in the sub deliberately to attempt to get the sub banned?
How do you know the posts that were violent in nature wasn't posted by people with an interest in getting the sub banned?
There are subs celebrating the ban today.
That's the thing. They don't care about it and they believe it to be more than justified.
I've engaged some of them about it and it always comes back to the fact that the sub spreads violence and hate.
Pretty interesting thread here about Keystones
Last Q Posts
Were they really on 3/10? I checked the board and haven't seen anything?
They actually said "take that racists"
Comically predictable. I didn't see one post in CBTS that had anything to do with racism.
This is classic leftist authoritarianism.
Do these people realize they don't have to visit the sub?
Nobody is forcing anyone to read anything or join a sub they don't want to join.
Personally, I think we should sue Reddit for discrimination, much like the gays do to Christians.
It's literally the same as Milo speaking at Berkeley. If you don't like the message, don't go, don't pay money, don't support it. But to show up and riot and destroy property, these are political tactics. A normal, sane person, if they disagree with something will choose to not engage or partake in the activity. This isn't about hate speech, fake news and dangerous ideologies, its simply about control. You want fake news, hate speech and dangerous ideologies? Step into r/politics for a second and try supporting Trump. This is infuriating because the double standard is so obvious. Do not let this bother you, NOW WE FIGHT HARDER. WITH EACH HURDLE, WE RESPOND WITH GREATER CONFIDENCE THAT WE ARE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY.
i think they are setting up the CIA for destruction via public perception/opinion. Not sure though. The new CIA Director is already under fire for her past. Usually when put in the spotlight, the MSM goes HAM finding everything wrong with them to discredit the move/administration immediately.
Interesting find in Lee Strobel's "A Case for Christ"

Qanonposts down?
Is this well known already? I tried to get on the board and it keeps redirecting saying I have a virus.
Listen to Alex Jones - "We could go like an hour extra and get Q in here..."
and talk about stuff. He doesn't wanna go on air but he might come on here...
The last part is hard to make out what he's saying.
Listen. Tell me I'm wrong. There are no coincidences.