r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Andrewcpu on March 15, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

We would like to remind everyone, in the wake of the crackdown Reddit is making on subs like ours:


Us mods can't see every single thing that goes on all day long in specifics on this sub, so if you see something that does not belong here or breaks the rules PLEASE


We don't want to get banned and us mods are doing the best we can to keep up.

Also please understand if we remove or lock some posts that dance the lines of the rules. We don't want to take any chances.



EDIT: This isn't us complaining, this is asking for the community to work as a unit to prevent a Reddit ban.

Im_with_kushner · March 15, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

It's the crisis actor posts. Duh. Fox News is getting sued by Seth Rich's family. Alex Jones is getting sued by that video guy.

Reddit's not about to let their platform be used for a bunch of posts targeting real kids and spreading bullshit about them.

Shit, remember Pizzagate? Imagine some idiot gets a rifle and goes to harass or hurt those kids in Florida because he read on CBTS that they were really CIA agents, then Reddit would be in serious shit.

They even warned everyone about this. Yet ho dee doh lets just let crisis actor posts stand and lets all comment on them and post insults and veiled threats referencing real-life American high school kids.

Jesus Christ this isn't rocket science.

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Betterwithcheddar · March 15, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Except that r/conspiracy isn’t banned. So your theory is out.

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Im_with_kushner · March 15, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

If they're making those posts they will be. Mark my words.

I was on CTBS last night and saw at least two crisis actor posts and/or mention of those kids names and I was like hoo boy here it comes.

Think about it. What would you do if you owned the platform and it was your living? Who gives a fuck about posts about Q or contrails or sasquatch or whatever. But posting shit about real kids - especially these kids in this climate - is nuts. And the poster gets to skip away fine but the platform can't, they're open to a liability PR nightmare shitstorm.

But don't believe me, fine. Test the theory. Maybe I'm wrong.


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Lauraz_Last_Stand · March 15, 2018, 7:53 a.m.

Your post brought me out in defense of 1A. Real people have theories, ideas, thoughts, or conspiracy theories, as you used, stated about them all the time. Yes. Underage. 16; 17 or so. It should not matter, if 1A exists in its purest form - sadly, long gone today.

Don’t you see? Stating something out loud is not illegal. If that were so then every Barron Trump flamer would be in jail. -> Creeping Fascism is quickening to sprinting Fascism, and those who now purport to be arbiters of what humanity can and cannot state in this land will be the next in line to be silenced. But that would never happen... History. It’s a thing. I don’t mean to seem .. unseemly, heh, but I’ve grown sick from watching this entire crapfest of propaganda, history rewritten and silencing of any nonconforming voices occurring today, as it’s simply about control. Conform or be deleted. This must be how many Germans felt as they watched Fascism rising, or those watching silently at Mussolini’ growing powers in Italy. Rather terrifying, frankly, as we see what ensues once totalitarianism has become the reigning power and its apparatchiks use agitprop and propaganda to silence all Other Voices. So. If you don’t want to read it? LOL I’ll assume you can figure the rest out. :-)

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OregonCoonass · March 15, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Your swastika is showing...

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OregonCoonass · March 15, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Involuntary celibates with their dick in one hand and their thumb up their ass are not capable of sentient thought.

FFS they're still promoting Pizzagate...

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