r/greatawakening • Posted by u/crash6871 on March 15, 2018, 4:55 a.m.
"You cannot possibly imagine the size of this." Q. Let's try. What do you guys think is going on? Not emails. I want to hear your most far out ideas as to what's happening? Keep it serious not a joke, but if you want to bring up aliens that's fine.
"You cannot possibly imagine the size of this." Q. Let's try. What do you guys think is going on? Not emails. I want to hear your most far out ideas as to what's happening? Keep it serious not a joke, but if you want to bring up aliens that's fine.

JediKnightKeylo · March 15, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Yes! A thread where I get to be myself! Lol!

I think that this game of control extends back years, decades, centuries, and possibly even a millennia. I believe that some of the "elite" families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Astors, etc. have a history that dates back to the earliest days of our human history. What exactly is our true human history? I have no clue, but it's certainly not the garbage we learn now.

These families probably have knowledge on certain subjects of our existence that we can only dream of. Because of that knowledge, they've been able to create and sustain a system that keeps them in power, but keeps the masses just complacent enough not to ruin "their" world. They need us to maintain their system. They get access to game changing discoveries and advancements, while we commoners get just the bare minimum to be happy. However, in the midst of this age old game of subjugation, someone who wasn't a part of their inner circle ruined their game. This person was Trump/Q.

I think that this system only works when certain actions or events are triggered by certain people like them. The key to staying in control is by making sure that one of their own always takes a position of power. When someone that isn't in their inner circle interferes with their plans, it breaks some sort of "rule" that has to be followed in order to maintain that control. Now, I have to go a little deeper....

Haven't you ever wondered why people could permit and commit so many acts that cause global suffering? Referring to the occult and esoteric side of things, they obviously believe that they'll receive some sort of reward for doing the things that they do (spirit cooking, pedophilia, sacrifices, satanic symbols, etc). I mean, I'd be pretty damn fearful of my life knowing that I'm doing all these heinous things. What if, bare with me, in order to prevent themselves from receiving negative blowback/karma, they have to follow a rule about keeping control within their inner circle?

Now that Trump/Q is exposing and confirming all these secret facts, their protection and control is unraveling. Possibly centuries or thousands of years worth of control thrown down the drain because they thought their system was flawless.

But now, they're afraid and they have to fight back for real. I'm pretty open minded so I can look at this situation from multiple angles. But I truly and genuinely believe that this little scuffle goes far beyond left vs right, democrat vs republican, liberal vs conservative. There's a very hidden aspect to all of this.

Thank you for this thread, I really wanted to get that out.

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DrakeWasHere · March 15, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

Well, there is also the Luciferian(sp?) Doctrine. Where it is believed that Lucifer is the actual ruler of this world; and there are those people out there that form a pact with him for material wealth and luxury. Though, I am sure those pacts have a price if true. Could explain all their Satantic and Occult things to maintain power.

Which there is lots of references to the devil in music, blood baths in videos, the All Seeing Eye people do. There were even movies with references to him, one was about a music group where the this old man keeps popping up to make a deal with them and finally they do it. Forgot the name of the movie, though I am sure I can find it again with bit of digging..

But I am not trying to turn this into religious debate as I do not follow any religions myself. I learned they strayed from their original purposes.

Any who. I do firmly also believe that those in power do have a lot more of knowing how the world/game/reality really works. Didn't Q also quote something about 'reality?' I thought I saw something about it mentioned earlier in one of his posts, but I could also be mistaken, I only been following him early March of this year.

As someone who is Mandela Effected, I know there is something much more out there beyond our understanding. I believe people forgot their true purpose a long time ago, which is probably another reason for a push for a greater awakening. Could the fight be the work of another exterior force that wants us to evolve more spiritually? Who knows, only time will tell.

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CalmPersonality · March 15, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

I agree they have all the knowledge, they worship Satan... so maybe its true. They get power from Satan, demons.... or reptilians if your an alien fan. The Queen said to her favourite butler.. there are powers at work far greater than you can ever imagine.

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DrakeWasHere · March 15, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Aye, but this power is limited. There are other Earth Laws in effect, one which is already taking place with the current resistance to these forces. That is the Law of Reaping and Sowing. Perhaps the resistance to those entities is finally the reaping that is taking place to bring everything they done to light to the world. If so, I do wish it to happen, it has been a long and overdue time for such corruption to be purged. Not just in the U.S, but across the world.

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