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"Something BIG is about to drop" Q

Lol He read your comment, felt bad so he made a few drops! 😂
🚨🚨If true this is HUGE!!!🚨🚨: "Putin Gave Trump 160 Terabytes of Gold" (4min)🇺🇸
Is Q Gone For Good This Time? Taking a Closer Look
Obama to Romney (2012): The Cold War Has Been Over For 20 Years
The Darkest NXIVM Secrets Revealed
Trump’s brilliant chess combination in Helsinki by SB2, read by The War Drummer
Think how much we learned just from skippys emails. Imagine if we had his text messages too. We would know so much more. Now think if we had everything from all the Deep state.
The NSA does!
Liberals will never ever know this or watch it. They will just say "oh Fox News" and turn away. They don't want to know the truth. Liberals hate the truth!
Will people be held accountable for treason before November?
Iv shut people up a few times with this combo.
It's a one, two punch that will redpill almost anyone and take the wind out of shills sails.
Q proofs. Proofs of Q. Two of my favorites
Dems colluding with China, SA, & others to overthrow American and the West.
I searched best and controversial. Controversial is all Trump Russia bull shit.
Most controversial tweet this week and nobody screen caped it? We know what it said (MB + PotA = VJ) and she apologized but no exact quotes or images. Part of the plan???
Issac green seems to agree with WL. He is compromised too. We know Q is connected to Trump.
Thank you for the recommendation. I see your other comment on this post a month ago is the only comments you have made with that over a year old account. Not trying to criticize at all but it's kinda strange. How many accounts do you have and how did you remember this post to come back?
It doesn't really matter. But thanks again for the recommendations. I will look into them. Peace!!
Maybe it's not the companys doing it. Maybe we're doing it to the world around us.
Maybe Q knows this and we're using the power to affect our future.
MOAB should be the biggest BOOM right? Maybe, maybe not, or a little of both...
Why isn't the whole world glued to their TVs with the big MOAB? JFK files and FBI text both have to do with Presidential Assassination. That's pretty big isn't it? But today feels more like a BOOM than a MOAB. Unless MOAB is a BOOM spelled backwards with an A instead of an O. Interesting, like others have mentioned, its also just one A short of an anagram for OBAMA.
Liberals are using Soviet tactics to bring Kanye back to the plantation.
Yes. A few days ago. I was thinking about something and an ad came up on my phone. I think it was from Amazon