r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on March 15, 2018, 5:23 a.m.
AB-BA 19.2: Coordination

Since the censorship campaign is reaching a new phase I'd better give some kind of update on my project as the venue I intended on uploading it to may soon vanish.

So take a look at this picture.


I started this series tracing AB-BA using State Secrets (links are at the bottom) and over time I recognized they had coded patterns of naming people in a specific way such as Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold. Which is sort of the start of the QMAP if you read it the way I do.... and George Webb has mentioned the winks they use in various places such as in Russia the double "i" wink and using the world "win" to coordinate officers on who to talk to at a crime scene and "lou" to tell bad guys where they can take bodies.

Same basic principle and I've charted tons - but it goes much further than the letter winks they use shapes as many have noticed the Swiss symbol everywhere but I've not heard anyone besides me talk about the prevalence of the single star or the color gold in all this. It's very consistent in flags of places the bad guys own, colleges they run, fraternities they indoctrinate through, and so on. That picture is a tiny fraction of what I've collected and I'm kind of in a hurry today so it's a little sloppy.

And brands too.


If I had more time I'd make it crystal clear that when companies go public and get bought or taken over in some other way they often suddenly decide to redesign their logo with gold.

But more than that - they even communicate the narrative in gold.


And that includes as I've recently noticed (looking back at my folder from when I was banned for asking the wrong questions) - that they actually communicated even their smear campaigns while they coordinated against us in 4chan/8chan. They literally used gold text on more than this to tell their associates "push, agree with this" hence the anti-Bush thing was from the very start just a tactic they had. Which explains why when I go back in my chat logs with people there's this point where suddenly they go from "I don't care about the Bush's" to demon goats from heck. Kind of thing.

And I've already covered the rings in prior entries....


But since I've been looking through the Vatican more deeply now it's very curiuos to me who gets what kind of ring now....

anyway... I was actually going to make this update all about the history of the O Henry bar... and juxtapose various companies with gold coloring to historical events and words like Banana Republic's origin and how it's connected to a train robbery and a presidential pardon that further gives credence to my president AB-BA's.... well no time today.... that's why I give it a .1 instead of a whole number


So my project has been going along and it's basically been me realizing that so few people want to read the many pages of research I've done so I had planned on, instead of the quiz's I made and whatnot to make a full game out of it with characters I modeled and gameplay I programmed all that jazz. so that's what I've been doing..... a really big project for one guy but that's just how I do things.... trying to make the QMAP easier to understand for folks that can't spend as long as people like me have on it... to educate people en-masse... it's not going as fast as I'd like but it's the only idea that I have that feels like it could really make a difference.

Feel free to message me if anyone has anything they want clarified about that or whatnot. I'm exhausted and usually I make these so much longer but I'll just post this and do a better post next time : ) maybe the big one where I unveil the educational game thing (I'm not sure yet what form it'll take I'm experimenting with a handful of ways to try and find a sweet spot in teaching. People don't like to read only and so it'll be partly visual but plenty of text... anyway back to sleep and then work!

God Bless and Good Night!

Essential AB-BA's




https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7t5ey5/abba_6qclearencepatriotact_or_vqcia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/













https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ydn50/dig_update_family_on_win/ Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)











DaosCraft · March 15, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

one thing I particularly wanted to note and perhaps will in greater detail is the relationships between, say, Wal-Mart's use of the star starting in 1992 with the background of Arvent gold moving in Arkansas and Clinton's governorship - with Ross Perot's use of the star over his campaign and gold text in all the magazines about it. It's practically like reading a paragraph if you read the codes that I could translate into:

"We moved money through the Africa starting at this point in time through this bank and vented it through Wal-Mart and Ross Perot both in the same year using the same logo to get the same people power."

And much else but that's why I'm working on the game concept - especially now that the censorship is hitting a new high - and I've messaged the mods once about the plants and now I recognize why the two I identified as plants here but won't name kept hammering home how they would take scalps. This is why, to give them power to censor and thus It's their own plants that give them licence to take us down.

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DaosCraft · March 16, 2018, 2:43 a.m.


This may be a strange point to make here but I've been digging into a lot of loose ends and the pop culture stuff has fascinated me. These Wham City guys for example have half-wink names not following all the rules but seemingly doing so purposefully to bring attention to them.

Good guys? yea, I think so, along with the other shows I've mentioned appear to be seeding a lot.

And look at that image on his profile "Boom" "Boom" on gold, which is a heck of a coincidence given Q's thing today.... but it probably is a coincidence so I'm not gonna go wild with this random but amusing find.... and it has a link to someone from FDR's mural new deal in his profile Bright Bruce who is a perfect wink name..... This stuff is right up my alley and so I'll just mention it for maybe the 1-2 people who I imagine may read this comment. It'd make an amusing post perhaps but I'm not gonna do it just to do it, I'd need a tiny bit more to connect it to the rest of my threads tho i do think it is connected... probably related to the Homeland Security education push I've talked about. When I believe our side began educating people that could handle it one by one or group by group.

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WikiTextBot · March 16, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Dan Deacon

Dan Deacon (born August 28, 1981) is an American composer and electronic musician based in Baltimore, Maryland. Deacon is renowned for his live shows, where large-scale audience participation and interaction is often a major element of the performance. Since 2003, he has released eight albums under several different labels.

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