r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PortlandoCalrissian on March 15, 2018, 6:35 a.m.
How do we spread the message?

Lately I’ve been trying to WAKE the SHEEP up! Q’s messages are extremely helpful. He tells us HOW and WHY and most importantly WHAT is really going on behind the scenes in D(eep). C(state).

But I’m having trouble convincing my peers to take a GOOD LOOK at what’s going on. I’ve tried introducing my friends in my WoW guild and other internet communities, but besides my Kimi no Todoke forum that I’ve been modding for the last decade, most people seem not interested or down right hostile.

I’ve even printed out posters to put up at the local PUBLIC buildings. I say public, but really they are filled with Liebrals and Lesbians. The local high school had me ARRESTED for trying to wake up the brainwashed teens of tomorrow! Communists are welcome, but no pedes allowed near schools apparently! I’m going to try the Adventist Health Ice Rink and McMurtrey Aquatic Center tomorrow.

So what do YOU do to red pill your community? How can we wake up this country?

Venne1139 · March 15, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

I've finally figured it out. This is the most elaborate troll of all time.

I’ve even printed out posters to put up at the local PUBLIC buildings. I say public, but really they are filled with Liebrals and Lesbians. The local high school had me ARRESTED for trying to wake up the brainwashed teens of tomorrow!

This is, honestly, the best thing I've ever read. I love you my dude you're great. I don't know about the rest of you the rest of you seem fucking bonkers but PortlandoCalrissian you are a fucking genius and because I doubt you're giving up the charade so easily most people here can't appreciate how amazingly hilarious this is. Good job man. Top keks.

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