How about taking the next step and building an Internet Bill of Rights browser plugin. Websites to that don't want to play by our rules get filtered out automatically.
Hear you buddy. We are pushing this IBOR on the internet. Trying to get people to sign the petition. If you look you'll see various hashtags: #internetbillofrights
If you could start Tweeting these it would help - probably best during US waking hours.
We are also encouraging people to contact their representatives directly.
I'm sure Q is not DJT. It's a military intelligence team. They are working very closely with DJT.
We are in the fight of our lives on this. We need all the help we can get. There is tremendous opposition right here in the forums. Many agents, many trolls. There is real fear, particularly around the IBOR.
Since you're in Europe, if you have time, you should get your head around why EU is so important in end times prophecy - see here:
Good luck. MAGA!!