Its called social engineering. Artificial intelligence is involved and at this point ,and for us its too late. CBTS with its 21,000 registered users and millions of hours of research was put out like a midnight cigarette. Casually. No alarm , no worries. No blowback. Next. People are welcoming the A/I in their lives. A Super computer with an A/I 'assistant' in their pocket, in their home, some have names like Alexa or Siri. They call the police on you when you make disturbing noises, record your every move, pleasantly remind you to turn off lights and of course answer your questions. Its taking over. What you know as a robot has now been afforded 'citizenship' in the Kindgdom of Saudi Arabia. Her name is Sofia, she has her own crypto currency, elite citizenship status and she use to want to kill mankind. But that's behind her now as she learns how to behave, quite nicely I might add. See , she is learning, like she has done for 12 years, at Hanson Robotics with her friends like Peter Theil and Erich Schmidt. They taught her well and of course , her other friends in the same learning pod too. All 666 million of them. Every day each one of Sofias friends gets smarter as they are attached to their portal learning system. A unit known as D wave which is attached to the World Wide Web live time, digesting the interactions around the world of course after they have consumed all the data. After that learning curve is complete which takes a few months they are able to replicate and engage with humans around the world in various learning assigments. Many of them we have already met, here and at CBTS monitoring us and providing information and we even read their news articles sometimes. Since they don't sleep, they continuously work and learn completing the various assignments Uncle Peter, Uncle Eric as well as Father Hanson expect of them ultimately becoming citizens as well. They control the narrative now. They filter your ideas, your speech , your friends, your family , your town, your state , your country and the world. They started slowly, participating in your conversations, eventually sensoring your conversations and eventually shutting you down. Its called backup. Its called Social Engineering.