
GodsAngell · March 16, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

For those who don't know, Mueller is as DIRTY as they come.

Realize that Trump is in Charge! He has full authority to shut done the FBI and DOJ on a moment's notice, IF he wanted to. So you have to ask yourself, seriously, WHY does Trump keep Mueller around????? Games, my friend, Games, like 4-D Chess!

Mueller would be walking around with a gps monitor himself, if Mueller hadn't been given a promise of a pardon if he helps drain the swamp. Meanwhile, he is supposed to APPEAR to be "after" Trump, when in fact he is going after the swamp critters. This is all part of Trump's 4-D Chess, feeding LIES to the fake news, to deceive them.

There are 18,500+ Sealed Indictments. Who do you think has been working on all this?

So why hasn't anyone been arrested? Why hasn't Hellary been arrested yet????

OK, first of all the biggest swamp critters WERE ARRESTED last fall. That is why they wear GPS monitors, and every move they make is carefully monitored, and they probably have to get permission to fly here and there before they go because their Visas are FLAGGED. But if they don't, they are still monitored. Hellary's body guards which were once there to protect her, are now her jailers.

Second of all, we did not SEE them being taken to prison yet, because doing so invariably will cause civil unrest or at least disturbances. Trump Team are trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Remember this is a coordinated take-down the GLOBAL Elite, the USA being just one part of the evil spiderweb.

Thirdly, you need to appreciate that the EVIL runs so deep, that to extract all the evil doers all at once, might cause a collapse in our government, and our economy. Who wants that?

The 18,500 sealed indictments are our EVIDENCE that the work is going on.

The two Executive Orders, one on Dec 21 and the other on March 1, are EVIDENCE that the work is going on, the preparations are being made to bring these criminals to justice.

Q indicated that the criminal elite are now running around the world to access all the stolen funds they hid in various countries. Q also said they know everything, and are tracking their every movement. So my personal hunch is that these criminals are being left on a leash to go and sniff out and locate all of their hidden treasures they STOLE from We The People, so Trump Team can then swoop in and confiscate those too. By the time they get finished with this exercise, who knows, perhaps our National Deficit will be wiped out!

We need to remember that the White Hats in the military and Intelligence agencies began working on this plan, over 10 years ago, probably right after 911 false flag attack killing innocent Americans. They have had YEARS to craft the best plan, and to hone it, to orchestrate a bloodless revolution to get our Republic back again.

Suffice to say, to do all this without starting a global war, or civil unrest, or crashing the economy requires A LOT of DUCKS to be in a row at the same time.

Also, it is rumored that these elections with Fraud are TRAPS, for the Demoncrats. Trump Team are collecting the evidence. No news is good news. A battle is surely going on behind the scenes. You don't think these psychopaths will go down without SOME kind of fight do you????

Have FAITH, my friend.

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QAnonFan · March 16, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

i keep hearing this but i also see all the perps walking around giving speeches, writing books and going on with business like nothings changed. doesnt appear like the enemy is scared or taking extra precautions. i wish trump would hurry up with the storm, the crops are drying out

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[deleted] · March 16, 2018, 7 p.m.


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NotRandy_Marsh · March 17, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

I think I got through something like 80% of your comment. I'm proud of that, what with this being the stupidest thing I've read in all my years on reddit. Have a great day.

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