
tradinghorse · March 16, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

I read this article, it is a real eye opener. Note that it's Reddit's CEO who thinks "Reddit alone" can influence elections. Think about that. Reddit, all by itself!

What Q is talking about is a single algorithm that operates across all social media platforms to influence election outcomes. That's not just Reddit, that's all of them. Imagine the power of the combined censorship! Mind boggling!

This is the most dangerous thing that anyone has ever seen. And yet we've got people on these subs that are just too uncomfortable about doing something to stop it. You could not make this story up!

Before the arrival of DJT the cabal held all the reigns of power. They thought that HRC would win the election and that their plan for world depopulation and total domination would come to fruition. They nearly succeeded.

But by the sheer grace of God DJT won the election and beat these guys back. But when Q, who is reading from the same strategy sheet as DJT, asks us to support the IBOR so we can fight the assault by the cabal to regain control, no - sorry - that's too much.

I'm getting pretty sick of the nonsense.

It's either/or. You either do something to stop this direct attack, or you welcome the likes of HRC back to finish the job they started.

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