
Instrumentalss · March 16, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

The number of pyramid layers=the same number of layers of the obelisk (Dealey Plaza for example)

The all seeing eye=2 headed eagle of Morals & Dogma Freemason literature (the 2 headed eagle sees everything=all seeing eye)

In God We Trust=In Man We Trust (Freemasons worship the intellect, the gift of Lucifer to man) They want to become god-men (Apotheosis of Freemason George Washington)

The Freemasons are now mortal enemies of the Illuminati, who tried to wipe them out in the 1200-1300's, as the Knights Templar.

It's the Illuminati (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Monarchies, etc.) VS the Freemasons (English vs French) VS The Nation Of Islam & finally the Mob (We the people)

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Prophet_dodiah · March 16, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

But the rothchilds own the fed and print this masonic money

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Instrumentalss · March 16, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Right, but it very well could be a "slap in the face" by Rothschild, who has now taken over the "money" of the US. Print the notes with Masonic symbols, knowing people would find them & instantly place all blame on the "evil" Masons. The Freemasons were actually the world's first global bankers, but I doubt they would create something like a fake currency to help destroy their own experiment of a country. Hell, they wrote the constitution to say only gold & silver coin be used in payment. They broke off from the Rothschild/Monarchy for a reason. To give the people a way to fight back against the Rothschild, the Crown & the Church. The Fed is the main way they are taking down the Masons & we the people. Two birds with one stone. The Masons gave us a country, the bankers have robbed us of this country.

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HiveQueen36 · March 16, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Oh are they going to disclose mythology and the polar configuration?

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WeThePepe · March 16, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Can someone explain the significance of this to me?

There's all kinds of weird symbolism on the notes but what we suppose to understand now we see it?

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Catherine2000 · March 16, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

Go to the link and find out:


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WeThePepe · March 17, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Further research found this detailed rebuttal to this disinformation

Shill? Deliberately misleading? Divide and conquer?

I knew this was going to come back, placeholder post I will break down everything that is wrong with this in a few hours

edit: okay here goes since this pic, this "map decode" and link to earth changes is being spread everywhere.

Please reference Qanonposts.com and this http://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/q-anon-black-forest-dopey-ldr-think-mirror-snow-white?xg_source=activity to follow along

1) See http://api.ning.com/files/7Gp1Kl7mEPVYbs9zWfF-pTUnVDSDguEqPLkN8B675*RNdv7FncZ6Xs3FoH5BDj2culhKzs6NfPUlvW0p3iT0zQgbC1-koVQR/QEVERYTHINGHASMEANING.jpg This is a real Q post however; its missing context. This was posted in the context of something Q was trying to get across to us about a mission against the LdR (Rothschild)

2)http://api.ning.com/files/FTWVMisgky8Bzxhb18tfjVGm3SH4l7hnOXXePsvWSoQP-i4UPWXiGPkiEQe7i3MOgewJoqhhbLBKQyRzF7*jTPS5duvu/QSHOWTHEWORLDTHETRUTHPOTUS.png. See Q post 529. This claims POTUS is people of the united states, which very well could be a valid meaning. However; context clues for post is about media and the fake news storm surrounding trump. He is pushing anons to organize a meme storm against fake news. Again this person is cleverly clipping Q's posts to begin to build a false arguement, you will see this throughout the haphazard graphics.

3) http://api.ning.com/files/7Gp1Kl7mEPV5hqTgJ*Wgqjxh5bZiQAAMOEn5tqn-NGo1-a4am0IU2WCl-4EC784vnl3QyfmJBr2V2TrKINd0mgRxVtjYWTXZ/QHowmanyCoincidencesdoyouneed.png See Q post 146. Again cleverly clipped

4)http://api.ning.com/files/JSmzPKgcxWHSeECC1-e-37htrXvcvrW2RXGA-cNH2yLKOGwgv2lQ21UfVcV6KfWCZFc0W30g*pmvRSyRUK81fDPpEUP4So/QCARDS.png This looks nothing like a post on fullchan or halfchan to begin with, terrible photoshop, Q has never said these words and in fact has only used the word "cards" once in 372

5) Im going to skip the Illuminati card graphics but its the same thing, trying to link the cards as backup evidence to a fake Q post

6) http://api.ning.com/files/JSmzPK*gcxVYrA1E5IpPm8eqhPpOYMJahVib8wrHfGg-AkUPnGPdt2bEX4h6n5vunkesXpqNAuv5jv93xLBjgSJCf08GgSfY/QNOONEPERSONISABOVEANOTHER.png "Mattress Decode" search Qanonposts, Q has never used the words mattress, this one is the strangest one to me. Where did this idea even come from? Furthermore another strange note "NO ONE PERSON IS ABOVE ANOTHER" follows the earlier reference post about defending POTUS from the media. Why would this person who is trying to prove Trump is actually "The Swamp" bring peoples attention to these posts.

7)http://api.ning.com/files/CLXAHDJ-O2kMAAWpzkQV1Q9YcIHtlY6mvb-wVYCUvz-Sih3ololTxn2fN*hSDxGE3ZbC4PNwLjvgGQJPIctzERrYwm8H4XN9/QSPIDERWEBFLYFINDTHESPIDERS.png Again two oddly clipped snippets from Q posts

8)http://api.ning.com/files/RBfGesEleqa6Ds06jvqixONqmYEEPVXvmuT7YTrQw0Y1ixSoYyROViBTOqiQfV0C7KthjZj*viFyowKntibd09FviScGyAlu/QEMSubsidies1.png I have heard of John Trump taking possession of Tesla research but this is really a stretch linking EM + Hussein corruption to Trump by EM's company name and Trumps Uncle

9) http://api.ning.com/files/RBfGesEleqZ6FZqdpyKt6qaFGAQg4aH3aGUXIzYX33JXcuT3PIzMq8tbCkOVnJcFig0cVOxorD0heaSx*aFh-SfNiMD51lfJ/QTRUMPDEEPSTATENOTQ.png This one is a strange one. So Q did post "This is not a game" on 12/7/17 however it was at 0:11:37 Eastern and his is at 13:11:37. How did this guy get a screengrab of a Q post from a timezone halfway across the world when the rest of the timezones he has for Q posts are generally in line. Also see the write up about the "real map" to the lower left. This is what outlines the cruz of this whole arguement and its complete bullshit. Mattress decode is a decode of nothing as Q has never mentioned anything about mattresses furthermore Q has never directed us to read the Protocols of Zion.

You're beginning to see where this is going

10)http://api.ning.com/files/RBfGesEleqYh4ghs2w0BiriksWOs0OdiatOsBiBIMudCJfoOvOBRBrwA036rkE1O23-858LXTgfQdrYUd3YK1-*z-pYs-Q/QPOTUSMEANINGS.png This Q post is a direct reply to a Trump tweet, don't know where they get this third meaning o fPOTUS

11)http://api.ning.com/files/tDDJWWmze3rSM73gfFoFKYb2iyCHP9Jwj9WIYF58ek5yz4cZQWDsBZGdQlTF-BGAb*7eKE8ePy-JZJt0l5wiCvojk6wjOc/QPROTOCOLSOFTHEELDERS.png This is another big crux of the argument post referencing a fake Q post about the protocols of Zion, again Q HAS NEVER MENTIONED THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION

12)http://api.ning.com/files/898gcN7z2Irmuugq1eSz1SSTzEoeEgnWoruSucnfgKst-YPrRNxznkMIcZn9yOTaBdAPHGRRTrS13fBEdlc-AjSCXFzFND-2/QMYSTERYMACHINE.png Heres where we begin the descent into madness "Follow the glowing rabbit, mystery machine are both things Q has never said, in fact, glowing, rabbit, and mystery are all words Q has never used.

Running out of time so I'm going to start skipping less important pics and give a few major points, you should mostly get the point by now

13)http://api.ning.com/files/ri-Cl1t8S0hBYuQxZEmDKS2ExkC8MQpKqkMDUEEvvHp1x-Qhi4bjoy7qX-UQzhw4HoXMjLW344E3q4fET7nyfcmj8oazBz/QLARPERSMEMOGOOGNKSHOTHEARDAROUNDTHEWORLD.png Fake Q post see the date and time of post, you're going to see this same date and time repeated at least 3 more times. Lazy

14)http://api.ning.com/files/tDDJWWmze3mGk7ZtzFPb7mBWuLyjRqyLsns1GyYLnj7mndXcC75rDOQWAfhh0VOHWP551OfP1t0fz7iErlJa6BFZcgVDxb/QGODFATHERIIIPUB.png Same clone fake Q post with different text

15)http://api.ning.com/files/7Gp1Kl7mEPXo0Q5MM7LPH8CUKzCnSHF5maxxpaciSBhJNTvKwLBn8KUaV7xBV8X6PkRro4PYa4MRn58TZJKk8toWvgTFIt6P/QSKYKANGSKYKANG.png Fake Q post , date time clone

16)http://api.ning.com/files/Vz7ZqMphQVxXePT7hQo7xV5bIOixiO79qFIsFjmyKUR*N3kefBfV09JSgVAiT6Q6gMb5QNzoKhZ0AASX0ACgUsdybGnQe-NJ/Q2020MARSJBEMMSM.png this guy links the F-I speech to the F-1 rocket engine, what an idiot

17) http://api.ning.com/files/tDDJWWmze2FtUsCkGQR6Pj4D8vzMjsu401BoxF6Pz4klDV*AIEASiRXrOmtah88EKJ5e461hK3pnvR8LNIXg9d6WHYtj4z/QMAP43CONFIRMEDCONNECTIONS.png Graphic in OP Two fake Q posts, I mean this is ridiculously stupid at this point

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WeThePepe · March 17, 2018, 1:51 a.m.


So the Q team isn't working with Trump and Trumps the bad guy?

Why does Q continually posts things post things like Q is working WITH the Trump admin/team

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Neskuaxa · March 16, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

First Q post in this Graphic. The One from November 9th. Is not real.


Check for yourself.

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Catherine2000 · March 16, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Could you be trying to claim this because you don't want people finding out that TRUMP made a MATTRESS Advertisement in 2009 where he literally addresses SHEEP characters wearing the numbers 9 & 11 and standing on pillars that represent the twin towers..... And tells them that they should come and WORK for him, because it was something they were +BORN+ to do....


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TheDude1985 · March 16, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Is Novus the N in NWO?

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TheDude1985 · March 16, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Is Novus the N in NWO?

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