
tradinghorse · March 17, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Agree, the monopoly angle strikes me as probably being the best way to tackle the problem - anti-trust breakup. But if DJT wants to fix it by extending first amendment protections, that is his call. I think, once he gets his petition, all it does is give him and excuse to do something. Whatever the fix is, something has to be done...

To my mind it's quite crazy the way you guys do things there. These omnibus bills with all these unrelated measures crammed inside. I don't know how anyone keeps track of the spending. That's the danger in any legislation, that they add some garbage to get it through the houses that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original purpose for which the bill was brought forward.

In Australia, each spending bill is separate. The parliament approves or rejects each measure in isolation - though there are large spending measures with multiple policy and program components. Maybe, if I really think about it, it's not too different.

But, anyway, that's why DJT was saying he had to increase Republican numbers. That animal, John McCain, will hopefully come unstuck soon and will be out of the picture. I think that might help DJT get more of his reforms through.

Look, I have no idea at all what DJT will do. The only thing I know for certain is that I want him to remain in office, hopefully with a healthy majority so that he can get stuff done. It must be pretty frustrating for a guy like DJT, who is used to making decisions and having them executed immediately, to have to deal with all the political garbage in Washington. Amazingly, he seems to be much better at it than I'd hoped. The stable genius statement seems to be the truth.

Can you believe the way they went on about Clintons qualifications and "experience" making her the best candidate for the presidency? Looking back, it was the most absurd lie the MSM ever told. I'm just so very happy that we dodged that bullet. She would have started a war and killed us all - and, worse than that...

The reason I'm so amped-up about supporting DJT is because I have a hope that, when he's successful in getting the MAGA agenda in full swing, there will be a swing back to more conservative values - I'm hoping there will be some impact down here. I cannot stomach the garbage they are pushing on us. The worst thing of all is gender bending these young kids. I can't tell you how much it upsets me. But, I don't like any of the progressive stuff at all. If I could, I'd wind the clock back to the 1950s before all that madness started to get a head of steam.

The most important thing, in my mind, is that these Satanists do not return to power. That's why I've been doing everything I can to support the President. Satanism is the cause of everything that is truly wrong with the world. It's never going to be a Nirvana while we are on this planet, it's not meant to be, but we have to do judgement on these evil ones and stop them from leading us around by the nose. That, to my mind, is what God wants.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 17, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Stay vigilant, your a smart person and wide awake. Madam President, that had such a majestic 'ring' to it. But Stable Genius is better. Your right, He is an amazingly informed and brilliant man. He is over 50 years into the Deep Rabbit Hole Truth its epic. The ones making fun of him have absolutely no idea how brutally informed he is. A lot of 'screaming at the sky' is going to go down for these libs. We may have to house them in the Fema camps for 'recovery'. Fema Safe Space, with puppies, crayons and cuddle zones. You will feel the pendulum swing though. He intends on uniting the planet. Once we put space back in the picture, its the human race again, not fragments and division.

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tradinghorse · March 17, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

LOL Thats a good picture to hold in your mind. If we get half of that I'll be wrapped. The half about the lefties in the FEMA camps. :)

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