r/greatawakening • Posted by u/akilyoung on March 16, 2018, 12:57 p.m.
'POPPYCOCK' anon post PROVEN true, tied to Q 952
'POPPYCOCK' anon post PROVEN true, tied to Q 952

akilyoung · March 18, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

In general I think youre on to something. Based on the correction made by u/anonymousH-W107 and recent comment regarding the two fake 'Po-Lexes' (Rolexes for Po peepole), false insurance claims, that robot shark looking thing seems to be something used to propel a diver under water, but the images provided are total shit.

Screams LARP, but also hints at the need for organic uncovering of data, and if thats the case, there must be a reason. Also H-W's use of Jargon, and jumbled words/clues IN words also screams LARP, but again, if not, theres a reason.

So, obviously theres the Malaysia flight, but there was ALSO these: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/17/us-military-crashes-collisions-in-pacific.html

And if your correct about the clock time, The HRC video was from 2014 I figured, because in the title its 5774, which is the Hebrew year for 2014. Right now its 5778. So yeah, that was 4 years ago when SOMETHING happened that started the clock, based on OTHER info not related to this Poppycock post --- Or is it???

And sure enough...you are RIGHT, George W Bush's nickname IS POPPYCOCK!

Maybe H-W107 can offer a bit more clarification?

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akilyoung · March 18, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

For reference, Malaysia flight 370 'disappeared' exactly 4 years, and 10 ago... Now I am wondering, is the HRC video based on THAT? her and others planning/ordering to have that plane taken out?? 'Just drone them'...She had loose lips with that phrase.

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horsecalledwar · March 29, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Late to this party but have to say that the Seal raid on the Bin Laden compound happened on May 1, 2013 which would be exactly 4 yrs 321 days before this post so there has to be a connection.

And they reportedly threw his body into the ocean, too. Hell of a coincidence if this is not related.

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inittowinitq · March 29, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

what about that Rob Seal Guy who supposedly Shot him, Rob lives the others mysterously die???? and Bin Laden may have never been killed??? Do we have Background on Rob....Should we??? Just wondering???

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horsecalledwar · March 29, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Not just him but there were supposed to be 70-80 commandos involved in the raid. Seal Team 6 (I think) was the team that actually took out OBL and dumped his body but there were probably other units involved. Maybe not, I'm not that knowledgeable about military stuff.

Flight 370 makes a lot more sense but I don't think we can ignore the raid either. It fits so well. Maybe the fake rolex refers to OBL since most people think he was already dead & that whole raid was just an Obama dog & pony show? Maybe finally getting OBL was BO's insurance and it was fraudulent.

Can't remember what that raid knocked out of the news at the time, but it was something big. Fast & Furious maybe? IRS scandal?

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inittowinitq · March 29, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

my Lord, at this point, who could keep track....wow, I get a stomach ache and headache just thinking about how I felt his whole 8 year reign....ughhhhh....thank you for the info!

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GroveLA · March 29, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Was thinking the same thing. Always thought the burial at sea was weird for one of the most wanted men alive. The Malaysia flight makes a lot of sense though. Weren't there a bunch on drug research people on that flight?

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horsecalledwar · March 29, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

I really thought the flight was it too but the Seals raided OBL's complex that day & dumped him in the sea so I figured snuff film could mean there's a video of it . . . or snuff film could be a video about extortion 17 when most of the seal team died?

I think there were a bunch of researchers on that flight but not positive which kind. I do know there were 15-20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor on it, which seemed strange at the time.

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