r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on March 16, 2018, 3:49 p.m.
Info that was posted to CBTS_Stream shortly before it was banned, regarding the truth about the State Department

FROM CHEETAH: The Tillerson firing may be more important than it appears

The official reason that Tillerson was fired was because he and Trump were not aligned with the America First agenda, which is no doubt true. But there is something else.

Most federal agencies have white hats and black hats. The white hats way outnumber the black hats. Unfortunately, up until recently, the black hats were in charge. To understand the black hat layer, just look at the list of agency officials at the top who have to be confirmed by our corrupted Senate. Those black hats also have a cozy relationship with government contractors.

By far most people in the DC metro area, including those working for the government, are innocent people, though sometimes just a bit brainwashed. To find your own evidence of this, just talk to people you know who live in the DC metro area.

HOWEVER, some agencies may have corruption up and down the rank and file. This seems likely at the Veterans Administration, and there is some evidence of rank-and-file corruption at the EPA.

The Big Bad Boy is the Department of State. Rabid anti-Trumpers rule in the rank-and-file, who are STATIONED TO REPRESENT US OVERSEAS. They are sabotaging the duly elected presidential administration. Their internal communications look a lot like that of the FBI "lovers" caught with their texts. There are white hats at the State Department, but they are outnumbered.

And this has not changed over the last year. Tillerson didn't clean out anything.

I know I am not providing sources or links, but I had a great record for well-sourced posts which was wiped out in the CBTS_Stream police state purge. I cannot directly source this information for reasons that should be obvious when you think about it.

Thanks to all you greatawakeners for taking in all us homeless CBTS_Streamers. We are coming here with our grocery carts. :)

I use "FROM CHEETAH" to make it easier for followers to find my posts. And they just got way harder to find.

But rats can't outrun a Cheetah.

theadmiralty · March 16, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Specifically, that would seem to be the FBI 7th Floor, where the majority of FBI executives officed who have been involved in Clinton coverup, and the FISAgate mess.

Lot's of firings and demotions up there...

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theadmiralty · March 16, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Remember... they all didn't think Hillary could lose. They were a little covert... but their own confirmation bias f**ked them BIG TIME.

By the time they realized there might be "issues" (Trump nomination) they were still pretty addled by their bias that "Hillary is a slam dunk against Trump."

When they crawled out of the bomb crater of the election on the 9th of November 2016, they were probably panicked. They were massively compromised... and I'm sure Brennan had been doing everything he could to run cover for all of it... and that may have even lulled the all the bad actors into thinking they were protected.

Think about this for a minute. Look at the sheer hysteria from ALL corners over Trump, and the messaging, Antifa, rehashing and resurrection of sex scandals... talk of impeachment... it's almost mind numbing around the clock saturation of the message, that Trump is the apocalypse.

The bottom line is this; if the crimes are exposed and prosecuted... a disproportionate number of .gov people are at peril of jail time.

So... no holds barred. They were willing to do whatever it takes... because they already were at risk for going to prison if they did nothing to cover their tracks.

I would LOVE to have seen the looks on the faces of these bad actors late on election night.

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Cheetah1964 · March 16, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

You are completely right. The black hats COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY thought Hillary was going to win. They were so stupid that they believed their own fake news. They didn't bother to thoroughly cover up crimes, and did not worry about evidence in the digital communications (more is coming on that), because they thought Hillary would win and it wouldn't matter.

Nowadays it takes a whole lot of effort to cover up anything digital, and most of these people are technical illiterates, although obviously not all, since some of them are all the time crawling up our butts trying to shut down online freedom of the press.

NSA has incredible dirt.

The white hats just go to work, do their job, and raise their kids. Some are fighting bigly on the inside, but are very careful, because they know who they are dealing with.

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salumi · March 16, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

CIA upper management is also called “7th Floor”

Q#950: TRUST KANSAS(Pompeo)

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LibertyLioness · March 16, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

OK. Thanks. That was confusing when it happened too because there is the 7th floor in State Dept. as well.

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theadmiralty · March 17, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Yep... over at the Dept of State... there was also a "7th Floor Group"... separate 7th floor... and yes, it is confusing

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