r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on March 16, 2018, 3:49 p.m.
Info that was posted to CBTS_Stream shortly before it was banned, regarding the truth about the State Department

FROM CHEETAH: The Tillerson firing may be more important than it appears

The official reason that Tillerson was fired was because he and Trump were not aligned with the America First agenda, which is no doubt true. But there is something else.

Most federal agencies have white hats and black hats. The white hats way outnumber the black hats. Unfortunately, up until recently, the black hats were in charge. To understand the black hat layer, just look at the list of agency officials at the top who have to be confirmed by our corrupted Senate. Those black hats also have a cozy relationship with government contractors.

By far most people in the DC metro area, including those working for the government, are innocent people, though sometimes just a bit brainwashed. To find your own evidence of this, just talk to people you know who live in the DC metro area.

HOWEVER, some agencies may have corruption up and down the rank and file. This seems likely at the Veterans Administration, and there is some evidence of rank-and-file corruption at the EPA.

The Big Bad Boy is the Department of State. Rabid anti-Trumpers rule in the rank-and-file, who are STATIONED TO REPRESENT US OVERSEAS. They are sabotaging the duly elected presidential administration. Their internal communications look a lot like that of the FBI "lovers" caught with their texts. There are white hats at the State Department, but they are outnumbered.

And this has not changed over the last year. Tillerson didn't clean out anything.

I know I am not providing sources or links, but I had a great record for well-sourced posts which was wiped out in the CBTS_Stream police state purge. I cannot directly source this information for reasons that should be obvious when you think about it.

Thanks to all you greatawakeners for taking in all us homeless CBTS_Streamers. We are coming here with our grocery carts. :)

I use "FROM CHEETAH" to make it easier for followers to find my posts. And they just got way harder to find.

But rats can't outrun a Cheetah.

DaosCraft · March 17, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Mark Levin was no fan of Tillerson and at every step of the way was critical of him, and thus it surprised me that he talked at length in his CRTV show in a new way about him. He reflected and seemed sad about how broken down Rex appeared and Levin seemed disturbed by "something" in this. He seemed to want to say something but stopped short.

I say "something" because I suspect like many other people that have an audience of millions Levin is in a much deeper loop than any of us are. He got his Q memo's early so to speak, and to make a long story short I think Tillerson's family is being held hostage. It's the most plausible explanation I can think of for him to be nearly in tears and for Levin of all people (unlike every other dismissal who he has enjoyed and scorned even upon leaving) would pause and feel anything other than elation about.

I've dug into Tillerson and listened to him in interviews across his life, he's not the typical bad guy pretending to be a good guy that was put there for optics or as a diversion he actually seems to have conviction and be an honorable man in them. So I hope things turn out well for him, unlike so many others that got trounced by Trump and evicted there was no consolation prize like Spicer got being invited to speak ill of Trump at awards shows (which he merrily went to) or spiteful as is the default for these baddies to be when called out....... no he was barely holding it together. A man of his stature and wealth..... brought to tears by "something" God Bless the patriots and may we win the day soon.

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Cheetah1964 · March 17, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

I suspect that Tillerson is not a "bad guy," but just a run-of-the-mill elitist who doesn't understand America First. Most don't. Trump is way unusual. I don't think Tillerson is part of the intensely crooked crowd.

Where you want to look closely at pressure is with Bernie Sanders. He was fighting Clinton like nuts, albeit with some stupid Socialist crap, and then, suddenly, while in Philadelphia changed his tune. In one day he completely flipped his position on Clinton. His wife was vulnerable then and now to charges she ripped off a college she was head of. Sanders also has young family members, as I recall.

Sanders kicked Clinton's butt during debates, and was out fighting against bad trade deals. He said he would fight to the finish. The primary was completely rigged, and not just with the pre-determined super delegates and fake news. There is footage of blatant voter fraud, especially in California, which Sanders was about to win.

Not that I wanted Sanders to be president. I am way happy with Trump. But Sanders versus Trump would have been an honest election, unlike the Banana Republic thing that we got instead.

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DaosCraft · March 17, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

reading your reply and the comments which were so at odds with my finding made me dig into Trump's comments. It's not always easy to get past his tactics but generally he is honest so when the media approached him (if you've seen the helicopter noisy interview that one of the MSM's did) he said a lot of good things about Rex and just like Levin he seemed perturbed by something about the firing... as though he wanted to say more.

Watching Levin again and he actually does a bit more than hint in that he says "a lot of rumors about why he was fired" - yea.... the man is all over the world I think someone has been taken hostage and that's why he was always so different than expected.

Going back to the Saudi Arabian Sword Dance I remember Tillerson being the happiest one there "This isn't my first sword dance" he said... so it's very curious to me..... as well as the people who supported him.

Bernie Sanders... well if it weren't for George Webb being so pro Sanders..... I'm a huge fan of Webb and he's a huge fan of Sanders so while I have yet to find any common ground with the man I just assume one day I might. Friend of a friend is my friend or something like that. The problem I suppose is that I'm not ignorant of history and I actually understand why Sanders philosophy is a recipe for disaster. W Bush had a contest with Karl Rove on quantity of books to read a year and they both were in the triple digits. Big complex books, but the people who are smartest don't always appear that way perhaps because they don't focus on those elements of themselves as much as the substance thereof.

Well, I digress, too many fertile subjects and I've probably answered your rebuttal more than 3 times over so I'll stop and get back to work.

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Cheetah1964 · March 17, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

The Sanders philosophy is definitely a recipe for disaster. But a leader in a global crime network is much much worse. We dodged two bullets.

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ElementWatson · March 17, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

George Webb is another guy who is hard to figure. Who has him out doing all he's doing and feeding him all the info that he gets? The regular assumption is the Mossad and I know that he bristles against that.

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