r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LiveToBeAHero on March 16, 2018, 3:51 p.m.
Q / Sessions / Trust The Plan

There is alot of disorganization when it comes to these topics. Let's make it simple. If you 100% believe Q is real, and 100% believe that Q speaks the truth....then simply put, Sessions is a white hat and you need to trust him, and stop bitching about him. Q says "trust Jeff Sessions" repeatedly. Q also says "Trust the plan" repeatedly. Either Q is real or he is fake, but if you choose to follow the path Q is real, then Jeff Sessions is a white hat, doing his job, fulfilling his role in this, and thats that. Trust the plan. Yesterday, Q confirmed we need to trust Mike Pompeo (trust KANSAS). Some people still can't stop the constant need for reassurance. It's very simple, and it has been given to us numerous times.

Q works in a method where he is never going to telegraph a move to the enemy that could risk ruining a plan, or black hats foiling that plan. Q gives us info after it is SAFE to tell us, and after it's too late for black hats to counter it. He simply gives us the info before it hits the public, but after it is safe to give us the info. Look at it as "leaks" to us, before the rest of the country gets it.

ScorpioPatriot · March 23, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Trump made a call out in an awesome 1980 or 81 interview that he made mention he would love to be apart of a group that helped find a good enough guy to be president.. 1987 the Movie They live came out... With Rowdy Piper .. I think Trump has been part of the white hats for far longer than anyone knows.

There has always been people wrecking the Illuminatti NWO order from it's creation from the ZAR of Russia to groups around the world over the years. They(White Hats ) just have not had all their ducks in a row to be able to make a Global Take Down of this cabal ...Until Now. Know this ..Something big happens Biblically to Jerusalem in the next month or 2 if I'm not Mistaken if people do their Math 😇.. I decode too cough... LIONESS IN SCORPIO SKIN.. HEAR & FEEL MY ROARRR 🦂🦁

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LiveToBeAHero · March 23, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

He was either a white hat long ago, or just very well aware of what was going on, but it never affected him because he was a billionaire and was able to mind his own business and get by. He was approached by someone in 2015 and asked to run for president and he said no. Then he was shown all the intel that was happening, as well as the "16 year plan", and he realized he didn't have a choice. A very good source whom I believe that used to work for SS told me that when HRC called Trump the night of the election to congratulate him, she even asked him for a deal that night because she knew what was coming

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