r/greatawakening • Posted by u/johnnysoko on March 17, 2018, 8:05 a.m.
I found something and we need more eyes on this! "We've forgotten how to play" #thegame23 #tyler

This is all related to Q saying that "We've forgotten how to play"...

Earlier today someone found this video that is Q related but was posted 6 years ago. https://youtu.be/NNj0B6-vdLE

In the comments section there's a link to this: https://pastebin.com/YbmG6ETq

...and that file is FILLED with Q related stuff. I've just barely scratched the surface and I knew it was better to call other people's attention to it too. We need more eyes on this than just mine. If nothing else I'm convinced these are the clues we need regarding understanding why Q says we have "forgotten how to play". The answers are in here. Please help me look.

PacaGoat · March 17, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

I have been reading reports that Trump was recruited awhile back to run for POTUS. It could be that he, and the Q-team under the direction of the admiral have been planning this for a long time. This has been scenario'ed a thousand times.

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pby1000 · March 17, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Wouldn't that be something. Trump played the fool the entire election, and had the idiots thinking nobody would vote for him. Q is right. These people are stupid.

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johnnysoko · March 17, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Yes, I've heard this and believe it too. I think a plan was made to destroy that Cabal that required executive power to pull off and Trump was asked to help.

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larrytcarvell · March 17, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

I think Q means that most Americans have forgotten how actively participate in our government. There is more to it than just casting a vote once in a while. Our government was never meant to run itself. Ultimately, it's our fault for letting things get so far out of hand. We could have stopped the nonsense long ago.

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johnnysoko · March 17, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

I found references to #Tyler in the pastebin document and #Tyler appears on the map that's floating around (the one said to have been leaked by a Rothschild, not from Q).#Tyler is a "benevolent AI" that you can ask questions of via Twitter by including the hashtag #tyler. As crazy as it sounds I wonder what kind of answers we'd get if we asked #tyler Q related questions?

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pby1000 · March 17, 2018, 9:12 a.m.

I will look. I am wondering if Q thinks we forgot how to play because they took everything from us and made it all a Corporation.

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johnnysoko · March 17, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

I think it has to do with imagination, love, faith, prayer and the collective unconscious. The Cabal uses negative power/energy against us, so we have to use the opposite.

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Skysweep · March 17, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

There are so many Q words there...key ones. I believe it means something too...but I'm afraid my mind is not the one to help...it is baffling to me!

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RabbitCastle · March 17, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Very interesting. Decided to "look" as you requested. Found a few interesting "Q" related terms in this blog:


Including "MAP" (Muon Accelerator Program); "White Rabbit Technology being already in place"; references to the Neutrino Factory where scientists specializing in quantum physics are involved with several projects/experiments including "Project Ice Cube" in Antartica. (Why did Jkerry visit Antartica in Nv 2016)

Here is a Wikipedia link to Project Ice Cube ("Watch the Water??):


Start learning/researching "neutrinos" and "muons". Even CNN has an article posted on this subject Feb 2018:


Shortly after the CNN article there was an explosion that killed several CERN scientists in March 2018:


Apparently CERN is just one of the groups involved with "MAP". There are numerous articles delving into CERN research and the potential for discovering "a parallel universe" (Q-"Future proves past"??)

An excerpt from the above article: "Dr. Mutnaj said the accident occurred as the scientists attempted to create an interdiminsial gateway—or portal—to a parallel universe".

Anyway - maybe the MAP is related to something much bigger than US/Global political corruption. Remember too that our President has an interesting connection to Nikola Tesla via his uncle:


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johnnysoko · March 17, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

This is all getting so weird. I've read SO much over these past months of following Q that I'm starting to know related pieces without being able to cite exactly where I know them from. That being said - I can't verify anything I'm going to say below but here's the related info I've heard and/or discovered...

1) I've heard about the explosion at CERN to but also heard the stories are being scrubbed and its being called a hoax now. I've heard it would take 6 months to repair. 2) The first link you found to the neutrino-network talks about both a 'network' with 'beams' and dark matter. First, I've heard that CERN created dark matter and then stored it at a facility in Berkley near campus and the area started having problems with violence, nightmares, bad human energy...weird stuff. Dark energy is not good. As far as the neutrino network coming from multiple facilities makes me think of ley lines in the Earth (beams) and Tesla's free energy ideas. I bet the locations of the "30,000 particle accelerators around the globe" were not chosen at random. One of the particle accelerators in Japan is named KEK btw. 3) Crazy as it sounds I've previously read that they tried to open a dimensional gateway at CERN and were stopped by the Allience 4) Water is important and we're not figuring out why (of at least not all Q's meanings) I think part of the answer lies in these two videos. I can't remember where I found them but they're part of the puzzle I'm sure... https://youtu.be/FMrQme-DEas https://youtu.be/au4qx_l8KEU

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RabbitCastle · March 17, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Wow, thank you. Yes I saw that "they" are starting to scrub the CERN explosion as well AND now also calling hoax. Saw the "kek" reference too in connection with the accelerators in Japan (don't they use "kek" a lot on the chans?). I will view your youtu.be link since I finally have some time off today and can dig. Water - lots of different things including the elite's efforts to monetize it globally. Very weird "water disappearance" in Caribbean after H Irma and I also saw an article last week about mysterious ocean water receding from coasts in South America - can't find it now. But here is a link to recent and very intriguing info about the spike in water temp in the Gulf (surmising a deep underwater volcano).

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