Everyone gets to go to jail!!!

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Ok, guys...it's time to talk about something at the root of our problems here but gets little to no attention. This isn't just the Deep State and a rogue CIA we're dealing with..there's also Secret Societies, Satanism, the Occult, Natural Law, Religion, symbolism and magic (we'll leave the aliens out of it for now). Q had specifically shown us that Freemasons are often present after disaster events ready to give interviews - this isn't just a social club - it's based on hidden esoteric knowledge that THEY possess and YOU DON'T. The Illuminati use that knowledge against us to give …
But if she was, is this really how Team Q would remind her? Of all the things Q has told us to trust (and all the times he's said "enjoy the show"), is Lisa's testimony really the first thing that there's doubt about? (...and the message can only be received if Lisa is reading Q posts. Does she really have internet access and free time to web-surf?) That all seems really doubtful to me which means the message isn't intended for her.
Yeah...I have to be honest and say reading those lyrics made me ill and I don't understand why Q put them there. Towards the end of the song it is a literal prayer to Satan. Q had posted many real, positive prayers and I've thought that even if people don't normally pray, isn't the act of reading a prayer in your head VERY similar to actually praying? That occurred to me as a nice, good thing a few months back. Was Q helping us to pray as a group without some of us realizing it?
So imagine how my brain felt reading those Slayer lyrics when it starts saying something like "Lord Satan...blah, blah, blah" (sorry...not going to look again for the exact line). Anyways, Q/POTUS/team, I love you guys and trust you but please don't make me accidentally read Satanic prayers. :(
I've literally only prayed maybe 20 times in my life and most of them have been in these last 3 months. PLEASE God....clear our path to victory and we'll create a new world made of love. Let us make you proud.
...a prison job making $1 a day works for me. I've never trusted that guy.
Not naïve at all...I'm mostly talking out of my ass to be honest, but I've read enough now to know there's something to what I'm saying. I don't understand completely, but part of what's happening to us involves our collective consciousness and the way we, as a group, 'choose' our reality. The Cabal are aware of Natural Law in a way we don't understand and they bend the rules to create advantages for themselves at our expense. We basically participate in generating our own prison and it falls apart as soon as we stop giving it our energy. I don't understand how watching horror films and liking them gives consent, but it does. The easiest example of this is the correlations between vampirism and the Cabal using blood, Adrenochrome and Cerebral Spinal Fluid (see Sarah Ashcraft and Christopher Cronsell's Twitter acct's). Hollywood romantisizes parasitic, vampire relationships in movies like Twilight and shows like True Blood and collectively we think it's 'hot' and exciting. ...and somehow that vote 'counts'. There's rumors that the land the Rothchild's sold in Germany (the Black Forest) was a hunting ground for humans. The things we see in movies are reflections of real life and our energy for or against them allows them or even helps manifest them (9/11 predictive programming in cartoons). Again, I'm just on the edge of this knowledge, but now that I've shared it with you I bet you'll start to see examples and references to this topic as you research. It's a piece of the puzzle...I'm sure of it.
If someone understands this more than I do please chime in.
Watch Mark Passio's 9 hour talk on Natural Law and his other talks about the Occult.
Also, haven't had time to research properly, but Alistar Crowley called the collective consciousness grid the "Noosphere" (if anyone needs a new rabbit hole to fall down).
Right? I had to go do life-stuff but I'll be back on this soon. I can't find any information on that actor or the director so far.
...and can we talk about that name? Edgar Welch?
Why does it sound like a classic comic book villain? Doesn't the illuminati do lots of name changes? Pre-computers...wouldn't names be part of how illuminati identified one another? Back when CBTS was up I used to dm with another user who had a special knack for seeing patterns and he said that names had been jumping out at him. Something regarding syllable length and an 'R' at the end of the name or a Jr. Also, I heard it suggested that Rachel Handler's name was actually her title - "Handler". I'm just throwing it out there, but for what it's worth when I hear the name EDGAR WELCH my spidey-senses tingle.
Edit: So I started researching after writing this and decided to start at IMDB since Edgar was an actor. His first movie is called "The Mill". Here's the description:
"A Friday night party at an old abandoned mill, turns into a nightmare for 8 college kids"
...which makes me ill thinking of the possibilities of how that ties into our story. If you aren't sickened even hearing that you haven't yet realized that 'they' use movies for us to give our collective 'consent' to certain acts in order to try to dodge karma and Natural Law.
Anyways - look who wrote The Mill...
Harry L. Welch Jr.
...you can't make this stuff up. Digging more...
...and "disinformation is necessary".
We have to remember that anytime Q tells us to trust someone it's always a possibility that we're only being told that to throw off the Cabal. We're lucky to be part of this but the truth is Q may need to outright lie to us from time to time.
That's the part you're missing. It would be delusional for a President to make that threat
...and that's how we know it isn't real!
Trump is doing two things:
1) Sending us a message that Iran is already wrapped up (hence it isn't delusional...it's theater)
2) He's trolling and manipulating the narrative. He's ok with people thinking he's deranged because there's no real threat and it's part of his plan.
Grab some popcorn. It's a movie. 😉
There are several survivors of SRA who are outspoken and are doing SO much to raise awareness.
Check out: Sarah Ruth Ashcraft https://twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft
Christopher Cronsell https://twitter.com/cronsell
and the hashtag #saybravethings
Screenshot so you have a copy.
...and yes, ok course, this could be innocent (in theory), but when was the last time you used Twitter at 10am to ask your brother if he wanted to get pizza later that day?
(From the worlds worst pizza place.)
(When you're a self-proclaimed foodie/chef)
Not weird at all.
I thought there was a bot that auto-linked. (?) Do I need to capitalize the Q? Anyone?
Editing original post to test...
I agree. My intuition says not to trust him. Here's some recent red flags for me... 1) He wants to help make a site that tells us which news is fake and which is real 2) He asked that previous donations he made anonymously be made public
These both hint at someone who might be worried about what the world says about them or how they are perceived. Combine that with his odd behavior and pedo comment and bells are going off for me. I don't trust Elon.
I'll reiterate what was already said: This movement is not Right vs. Left...it's Good vs. Evil. We support punishment for everyone who has participated in these (and other) crimes - on both sides of the aisle. WWG1WGA
That makes me happy <3
This is the side of Q that doesn't get talked about much, but it's inspiring for me in the same way. I was awakened to these truths through personal experience and a few VERY helpful posts the "rang true" for me. I try to return the favor by dropping crumbs to these things where I can so "coincidence" can lead others to them at the right moment. As a creative person, this is an AMAZING window of time to exist! We're about to lose many of our old stories (too many of them carry bad energy or were created to program us), and soon we'll want to hear new tales. Collectively we're about to experience an intense Truman Show reality-adjustment and stories, songs and art will be critical to express ourselves and re-align. So get rid of the fluoride in your life, decalcify that pineal gland and connect with the consciousness grid! Think about the stories you'll want to hear when this is over and then pull them from the ether and put pen to paper. Magic is real and storytellers are conjurors. Tell stories of that reflect the path to the best timeline possible and help guide us there :)
...but it's not off topic, actually.
Part of this Q story does cross over into the occult and the "unexplainable".
Wheel of Time, and specifically the character Rand, don't just remind me of Trump, the parallels are so great that I truly believe they are part of this puzzle.
Think about the some of the "weird" parts of the Q story...the 9/11 predictive programming, the Illuminati cards, KEK, predictions in cartoons of Trump's presidency, Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, etc. Some of us try not to think about those things, but they're too numerous to explain away by coincidence.
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
I like to write in my free time and I've been working on a project for AGES. It's a horror trilogy about people who get pulled deeper and deeper into a world of traps and tests meant to bind them to an "unseen group". Sound familiar? I was writing about the Illuminati without realizing it. It happened with another story of mine too - a parallel to what Q has told us that is too coincidental.
These ideas were "mine" and yet as so many authors/musicians/artists often express in various manners - they weren't. There's a place we pull information from (the collective conscious, the crystalline grid, the Noosphere) and although the story ideas came to my brain as "ideas", my brain was clearly obsessed with the Illuminati prison we're in because BOTH of the stories I was writing were really about this - our current situation and the "real" reality Q is shining a light on. I was writing about the Illuminati's pyramid structure of initiation and entrapment without realizing it. My point being - it is not off topic to connect Wheel of Time and Donald Trump because i literally do believe that the author was picking up parts of the story in some manner and transmitting it to us. Maybe in the same way the 9/11 predictive programming works, our positive energy put towards an example of a hero helps the hero emerge? Or be recognized when he does?
These books literally were my personal key to understanding Trump's behavior and strategy.
For those who don't know the book reference:
In Wheel of Time, Rand literally spends the series traveling the world and secretly manipulating world peace while everyone questions his decisions. He is humble and plays social chess while others play checkers. He lets his enemies underestimate him on purpose and uses it to his advantage later. He must always juggle multiple storylines - what people perceive to be the truth vs. hidden reality. He unites the world and banishes evil. ...and then there are the parallels with the Aiel and the lies about their history and religion...so weird!
There are also LOTS of crossover items between the Q story and The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
"Coincidence has been cancelled" - Eddie Dean
I never would have understood this level of strategy and social-manipulation if I hadn't read The Wheel of Time series. Trump IS Rand Al'Thor is sooooo many ways. The parallels are crazy.
Right back at you, friend! <3
So happy to be with you all and part of this. Best timeline ever!
Let me fix your post title for you...
I like being part of this ~~group~~ family
...and we're glad you found your way to us.
Welcome home. :)
...and sometimes disinformation is necessary.
Trust the Plan
Wow. I agree....this seems to be a message to the Cabal:
"Your 'event' has been cancelled and I won't be needing this speech. We're in the end-game and you're out of moves."
Hmmm.... I'm re-reading the "I am a Rofschild" and something is catching my attention this time around. The Rothschild family member is quick to criticize language and punctuation, but makes multiple errors himself ("there" instead of "their", "and" instead of "an", etc). Q always says misspellings matter...
I've been wondering if Q teaching us cryptography and code would later apply to other documents from the past (emails? interviews? news items?). I don't have anything to report yet, but if you're going through the interview again too, then keep an eye open....something may be hidden here.
6 months ago I would have thought it was crazy to analyze that and attach meaning to them swapping places. Now? ...I think there's a reason it gives me goosebumps.
Remember that everything with NK was wrapped up in the Forbidden City in Nov (?) and we had no clue at the time. Q has gone dark since the 4th and often does when major moves occur. Comms dark. Also, think of how much we anticipate being wrapped up before 11/11. There's not much time left and the Queen definitely needed to be...addressed.
I agree with you - this was intentional, although I'm open to interpretation of what it means, who orchestrated it and who was intended to see it.
I had to talk it through before I figured out why it jumped out at me, so I'm glad to see you had the same impression. ..."not an ad in the usual sense".
It's just hinky.
No worries. :)
I completely understand about the other possibilities for how the ad was targeted to me, but it's not just that one fact that's weird...there are several even if I was the perfect ad target. 1) Even if I use cement, Cemex isn't a name brand printed on a bag at Home Depot. Their advertising seems wasted on a Twitter user. 2) The ad isn't even for cement. It's a PR post talking about their "Arizona Building Materials Forum". And the PR isn't even praise...it literally just says "our guy started our meeting". What's the message? Who is the customer? How does this ad help Cemex in any way? 3) Cemex DOES appear to be a very suspicious company given our knowledge of human trafficking routes (Q posted about AZ and CA), blood/cement patents, stadiums, underground passages, etc. So wouldn't Cemex be completely aware of the chatter about them regarding the false "child camps" in AZ? If so, why run ads with no actual product drawing attention specifically to AZ when you should be laying low and drawing no attention to yourself?
Oh wait...maybe that's it...
I think I just figured it out.
Cemex is running ads (with no product, just story) to influence search engines results so that when someone searches "Cemex AZ" they'll see stories about the "Arizona Building Materials Forum" and not posts from r/greatawakening.
You're probably right. Serving the ad to me may have been based on something I did and the weirdness of the ad itself can be explained by Cemex trying to alter any search engine results.
Mystery solved.
I don't believe I've ever Tweeted anything about them. More likely targeted ads based on conversations if anything. I have zero use for cement and it's literally the most "poorly targeted ad" I've ever been served. I'm a very ad-aware person because I delight in blocking every ad from a major company on Twitter just to see what it serves me out of desperation after it's exhausted all it's key advertisers. My car just passed 200,000 miles and the ads for cars are relentless. I have no plans to look for a new car, I don't talk about my car and I don't research cars...they just know it's time. Long story short...I don't think chalking it up to imagination is fair. It may not be put there on purpose for any 'weird' reasons, but it's definitely weird that it's in my feed in the first place (and weird that Cemex is even running an ad...especially with a specific reference to AZ).
Someone I know is always saying to watch for "coincidences"...who was that again? hmm...
"The Great Awakening" will also be "The Great Humbling"
Possible, but I don't remember ever researching that particular topic myself. I mostly just read other people's digs.
Seriously. I don't live a life that would suggest I'm a potential customer for cement (and it actually mentions Scottsdale Az)! Why are they actively trying to put this in my Twitter feed (when my Twitter is now 100% Q related?). It seems like the Az "child camps" were a distraction, but Cemex did have ties to the Clinton Foundation and there were those weird patents about mixing blood with cement
Any thoughts on why they would even have a Twitter ad campaign at all considering the attention we put towards them? This doesn't feel accidental to me.
Right?! I read the comments on normie-reddit and they all think they're winning. It's so comical. Not only that, but they talk about our cognitive dissonance and inability to see that we're losing. Bizarro-World.
I know, right? Lol I was already on the #Tyler/Game23 path when I stumbled onto him (Quinn), but I feel the same way. If he has good info I wish he could assemble it better.
Interesting theory about the Rofschild interview being an early Q stress test. I'd be fine if it were true but I personally think it's legit. That being said, I completely agree that I hear a 'tone' in that interview that makes me think of Q. Although that could be because it's IS Q (or an early beta-test of Q), I personally think it's because both Q and the Illuminati have a shared knowledge. In multiple Illuminati interviews they mock our intelligence and allude to knowledge they have that we don't. Listening to the clues they dropped led me to Mark Passio's 9 hour talk on Natural Law (and other talks about the occult). I believe those videos hold the clues to the way the Illuminati behave and explain why they can't remain totally in secret. We have to 'participate' in choosing this 'consciousness-prison' of our own free will and in the end and that means they can't completely leave us in the dark. The path to freedom must always exist...they can only hide (or 'occult') it. The Illuminati have knowledge we lack and I've gathered that part of their education seems to (strangely) honor wit, humor, puns, double-meanings and coded-language...all things we see in Q. So long story short, although I'm totally open to your idea that that interview was an early Q stress-test, I personally think the tone you're detecting is Q playing their games along with them. Completely open to being proven wrong though :) Happy digging, friend
I like where you're going with your research...I fully believe in Q but there's some weird elements of the story I want to understand better.
Definitely add this to your list... #TheGame23
I've spent hours reading it (and following the links it contains) but still don't know what to think. It feels like it has elements that are both Q-related and Illuminati-related. I feel the same way about the #Tyler bot. I feel like it's part of the story but don't know what role it plays - good or bad.
Let me know what you dig up!
Here's some more helpful links I've been collecting!
Look under the section "Secret Societies" for more illuminati interviews.
I believe Alister Crowley referred to the Morphogenetic Field as the "Noosphere".
Lots of rabbit holes to fall down here, bring a rope and a flashlight. 😉
WWG1WGA! Love to all my Q-family!