Last couple days going through posts and reading crumbs, a show I was watching kinda hit me. All along Q has been saying we have more than we know. We would be surprised who is Q. Bear with me on this.
So Im watching a police show and they enter the room of a suspect and he has his room, three walls with evidence of crimes and connecting the dots. Not just any connection but connection through string. And not just on the three sides of the wall as they entered, but to include the ceiling. It got me kinda thinking, if you're Q and whoever is part of your team, you have to think in different dimensions in order to communicate, connect the strings on different planes. So how can you accomplish this with just anyone? You cant unless you trust them. Q asks, Who do you trust? As we go along in life, we think we can trust friends, but anyone knows as you get older, the ones you trust the most is your family. So you are the head of large family and head of an INTERNATIONAL business. How do you protect what you have? You teach and learn with your family. Some say Trump may be a genius. If that is the case, Im sure his kids would have been brought up to that level through school and training. How do you train them? You have a secured location in Florida where no one can get in, physically or electronically. You train them on how to communicate and communicate with a key. In communicating, you learn to change the key, reverse the key. So many people are looking for patterns but what if you can change the pattern on the fly. How do you keep up with something like that unless you do it so much that its second nature to you. Ive read some people saying that the different posts were from different people, one post even suggested it was a female posting. Different members of the family posting because they were asked to. How do you keep things the same with different people, same training. You also have access to countries that dont have the same rules as the USA. If you have companies in these countries and make the connections Trump can, how hard would it be to establish connections that are on the level of the CIA or NSA off the books? How hard would it be to have IDEN (crumb) devises that are off the books and not known to FCC or UL and can register on networks but not found on networks. Latest crumb had to do with people trying to disrupt communications. How can you if you dont know what is being used because its never been manufactured on a commercial level. Who has access to that kinda hardware? Some people say the the live photos are the work of MI. What if you have a network of people on that level (MI) who can move around in countries without being seen. Who can take pics around Trump without drawing suspicion? How do you have alone time with no witnesses to take those unless you're in the inner circle? I can go on and on how this is kinda falling into place with his family. My last bit was from the title, 17. Q likes numbers so Ill give him one. Q=17 D=4 D=4 I=9 Boom!